How BIG is your amp at home?

No complaints by neighbours so far cause they generate their own noise as well.
1. 2 houses away, karaoke at 9am in the morning at high decibels! (hokkien songs)
2. on my left, Mahjong all day & night long during the weekends
3. directly opposite, A very early bird piano player. (luckily. she plays some really good stuff)
4. at the corner of the street, a young violinist ( just started learning, imagine how must that be like )
5. More piano players down the street

Dude... where you stay? I go buy a unit there... We be jamming neighbours!!!!:mrgreen:
Nice ... i think this will give me more motivation to work harder so i can get my own terrace house ... hahaha =D

I gez until i have my own house ... I won't be able to buy a "proper" amp to play at home ....

I even consider to dedicate one room to be a sound-proof music room =D
Got this vm a week ago after waiting for 5 months and really am proud of it.



that "blue" box still rocking your world? lol.. :)
hahah, eh i converted my mom to like our kinda music you know!

whats the difference between a stock microstack and the beez mod?
i remember he told me he put in orange drops lol!

Lol dude sry for the late reply.

Nice one man. I think i listen to nearly everything apart from opera and the music of today. ( Dunno if you consider them music ) so my parents enjoy it when i listen to the 70s/80s stuff which i do most of the time.

Hmm.. if i remember correctly there was a comparison done in beez shop with 3 versions of the microstack.

1) Microstack stock unmodded
2) Microstack modded ( Ima usin this )
3) Microstack ZW modded ( i think i cant rmb whether it was modded or not )

The unmodded stock one sounded less bright as compared to the other 2, in fact the least bright of the 3. ( This was done with all settings the same/uniform gain blah blah.. )

The modded one which im using sounded brighter than the first but less bright than the ZW one making it the one in between the unmodded and the ZW. Needless to say the ZW was the brightest and cranked up sounded really too harsh on louder volumes.

I cant really remember if there were any other differences though, its been like more than year since ive run this test.

i got a 80W marshall valvestate 8080 cranked to 9'oclock.

and did i mention that it's placed in a 6ft x 10ft (utility) room in a hdb flat?

and i live on the 1st floor...
A Vox AC4TV.... I use it at 1 watt mode when playing late at nite, but its still a wee bit too loud for me.... (yes it comes with a built in attenuator! handy right?)

4 watts is where the amp delivers and it gets searingly bright...sometimes when nobody's home i crank it to max and watch my windows start shaking while doing windmills and grinning from ear to ear a la Pete Townshed :)
haha damn!! especially with that "take off" thingy...get ready for the take off!! hahahaha..
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