I own a
VOX AC15 Heritage Collection AC15H1TV & AC15HTVH
Not too big and not too small either...
I live in a terrace house and i usually have it on at about 3-4.
if my kids piss me off and i need to drown out their screaming voices i'll have it cranked up to 7-8 and i'm in a world of my own ( yes this works and does wonders )
No complaints by neighbours so far cause they generate their own noise as well.
1. 2 houses away, karaoke at 9am in the morning at high decibels! (hokkien songs)
2. on my left, Mahjong all day & night long during the weekends
3. directly opposite, A very early bird piano player. (luckily. she plays some really good stuff)
4. at the corner of the street, a young violinist ( just started learning, imagine how must that be like )
5. More piano players down the street
I think there's some general guide lines to noise generated at certain hours rather than size of your amp. Sometimes have to be considerate as well.