how bad is NS?

ItAcHi said: cousins and my bro-in-law all tell me i sure get into clark one..cos i got a damn broken arm...waa...if really liddat also quite song..everyday 8 to 5

yeah i think with an injury like that, you'll probably be a clerk. at least dont have to cheong wat!
pr0n said:
lol. im oso from ncc. just passed out of ssc. which district?

west. during my time it wasnt even called ssc. UDI was the name of the game. haha. ncc 4 years. clt 3 years. man.
kiosai said:
yeah i think with an injury like that, you'll probably be a clerk. at least dont have to cheong wat!

haha...even u also say so ah...i think i need to take x-ray again for my arm...cos my mum lost it when i move hse last time...
Mjollnir said:
i dunno bout u guys but hey i think NS is good im only 14

i used to share your sentiments but now that i'll have to enlist a year from now i bloody hate anything military. :lol: :lol: :evil: :evil:
Don't think clerk is confirm easy life all the way. You'll have alot of egos to please and alot of camp politics to deal with. In my case to prep for exercise, clerks have to move very heavy ops boxes, so forget that 100% easy "eng eng" paperwork all the way only. Oh. 5 guard duties (yea im not jk and its not extra btw and c1l3 does not excuse guard) + 3 duty clerk a mth for a grand total of 8 is nothing to sneer at. I'd rather go back to bmt anyday and go forest and cheong sua.
Actually wats wrong wif Ns... was jus thinking about it just now.. Yeah it sucks when u are in it.. but hey its truely an experience of a lifetime.. How many of ur frens overseas can claim to jump from an aeroplane or take a miltary chopper.. or even fire a weapon.

Don't be so negative about it guys.. be positive and live out your army life to the fullesy... there is so much opportunities that will never come again. Most if not all my friends all have many fond memories of army... its really a point in your life that will stick wif u forever.

In fact till this day i still have a picture of my BMT company hanging on my wall and my Beret on my table. I feel this pride in knowing that i am doing my part to protect my home and my family.
Jayshen said:
Actually wats wrong wif Ns....

I think the need for national service cannot be is necessary....however serving a period of 2 whole years is always the issue I question...2 years is a long time, however it may fly per individual...
I just feel the standard BMT is all that is required...make it six long as every man is knows basic military rules, manouvres or weaponry...
Any other specialized training can be taught on the fly...Singaporeans are an educated lot...don need 2 yrs to drill something into their heads, I know some regulars who after six years still make mistakes...
And I think reservist training and all its IPPT requirements, post NS, is the real hassle....
Jayshen said:
How many of ur frens overseas can claim to jump from an aeroplane or take a miltary chopper.. or even fire a weapon.

none, probably because they're happier off getting a degree and making money from a job. :lol: :lol:
Woooow, what an interesting topic and I am "late"!

I guess we could really see for ourselves here the difference between little whinning little boys and real man! :( And the sad fact is that such difference is still present when NS has been served!

Before anyone starts to "launch a counter-attack" on me, really give it a thought that let's hope we will never need to take up arms for "realtime" defence for when that day comes and with negative minds like the ones we see in this post, most (if not all) of us would likely end up in POW camps or body bags! :( (BTW, for those who do end up in POW camps, let's hope you can play your instrument there!!!)

Yes, we can indeed feel fortunate to be in a peaceful era where we also have well-forged ties with our allied countries, but does that mean we should "hibernate in our soft cocoons" thinking that help will arrive immediately on "Invasion Day 1"?

It's a pity that we could only exeperience war through the TV or big screen...Seems like we have forgotten about the Kuwait war (or are some still sucking milk in the arms of their mommy?)...Maybe for anyone who thinks peace is no big a deal, why not stay in Isreal (or war torned countries) for a month or two?

There were times when we would lament about life during NS (and we still do), but that was just part of "talk entertainment" for we know that we sweat and go through shit with budding soldiers to at least protect each others' family and loved ones. Really, for all those who can work, play and sleep peacefully everyday, do ponder over how many unsung heroes (whether "by choice" or "by force") are protecting your ass each day from being "poked" by invaders (and not forgetting your family's and loved ones' too).

"A real soldier defends the Nation he calls home. A real Man defends the home that has his family and loved ones."

:( PARTING NOTE - Sincere apologies if my reply had caused any dismay, but fact is fact.
have u been thru ns yet? if you have then respect if you love your country that's fine by me good on you if you havent then its rather idealistic to the point of naivity. :lol: :lol:
It's a pity that we could only experience war through the TV or big screen...Seems like we have forgotten about the Kuwait war (or are some still sucking milk in the arms of their mommy?)...Maybe for anyone who thinks peace is no big a deal, why not stay in Israel (or war torn countries) for a month or two?

Yah. This is one thing I really got to know in army. Last time b4 army I also say army a lot of shit... BMT curse and swear at SAF... but through my 2 yrs exposure in army I have met many foreign soldiers. I met Thai soldiers who had jus returned from the violence in the south and even US marines who are going and just returned from Iraq. There were even some who cried cause they saw their own friends and family gun down before them.

We should not take the peace in Singapore for granted. Army sucks. but bo bian one lor...

And the issue of two years.. I know that 2 years seems a long time... I know very well cause I now in uni suffering from a rusty brain and a lot of things I was working on halfway have to stop. But let me honestly tell u, I think two years really is not enough lor. Like you say even regular after 5 yrs also make mistake, how more will we 2 yrs Ns do.

And if u says I so on y dun sign on.. I am more than willing to sign on. But I know that I can serve the nation even more by working hard and studying hard at a field that I am good in. But if any day army wants me to go back "cameo on".. I can say I am always ready...