Cheez said:
John, you didn't have a good time eh?.. Actually, in the army, I eventually made it to the band - the SAF band, not MDC. Playing the trumpet. Worst experience - had to play bugle call (solo) on one of the recruits POP in Nee Soon camp. It was evening. They made me climb to the roof of the main building (about 7-8 stories high?), made me stand on the ELEVATED EDGE of the roof (there was no railing, no safety net, no parachute - tip of my boots were hanging over the edge) and had me play by myself standing there.
Anyway, disrupted and came back later as a MO. Much better life after that...
Medical graduate always has the best stint in NS, you practice your profession while serving. For us NSF, especially men level, end up
playing hide and seek with the regulars.
For my 2-1/2 years, I went to the funeral three times; how bad it can
be fellow commrades died not because of training, all accidents. The first one is a regular 2nd Sgt - died during a tank race competition training, the second is a recruit got knock down by a car while water party marshalling for a half marathon, the third a camp 3rd Sgt died in a motor cycle accident.
During BMT, one guy sleep opp. me committed suicide becos an instructor keeps f**king him during the arms drill before the live firing range. Go slashed his wrist with a baynoet but didn't die, later txfer out.
So many people down-grade, and 80% are all non-geniue. One 3rd sgt
downgrade becos of an ankle leg problem end up still can play soccer in Brunei while the whole battalion goes out for topo. What a disgrace !?
wayang here, wayang there, 2-1/2 years wasted down the drain.
ya lah, do learn some tricks here and there how to avoid problems.
Made some friends, and only during hard times these are the people
who come together to pull through will be friends forever.
I chose to play the clown for my 2-1/2 years NS stint.
Everyone in camp thought I will 'madi' in the outside world,
all surprised when I return for my reservist with a stable job.
You get to see funny people during NS. Have faith but don't
have blind faith. See through the people around you, look beyond
the acting and wayang, judge for yourself which is afterall for your
own good.
My BMT PC who is a regular is a very charisma officer, everyone respected
him and salute him. But all beyond his angel charisma, I saw the devil within which is of course to his all advantage. I lucky to be post out of his platoon and after which his horns came out during the later part of the platoon training.
To all going NS, the above is my advice. See and judge by yourself,
it's a dog-eat-dog world in there. Dun get con and dun get makan.