
Rork, why would i stop doing OM? haha... I don't cover songs leh, otherwise, what do I do?

Pathin, just having fun on my part.... the KopyKat is the echo offered by Retroman, google it up... its nothing spectacular but it has great tone and some good features. Quite cool... but the Ibanez EM-5s can stand up to it easily.
ah, ok, retroman. Now i know which one.

Hmm, recent got quite a few maker doing those. Analogman aslo coming up with his.

Anyway, if you interested to get more realistic backing on the drum, can try to look for this plugin, drumagog. It can do some majik on making the drum backing more realistic
Gah, tell me abt the drums. I'm going to invest in something better soon hopefully, thanks for the tip!

You know.


I can run 3 delays in series. :twisted:
pathein bro ...i have told you again and again to stop sharing your deviant teachings here .... just see what you have done to cow :smt011

Shred keep away from all that delay stuff ...its bad for health 8O


feelin it ya shred ... tune of the month :smt023
Hahaha... Goose! Its just 1 pedal lah... When I get new stuff I gotta record/compose something with it... sort of to justify its worth!

Don't worry... I dont' see myself going all out delay-la-ing and stuff... at least this song got solo leh.
Just go to Orchard Library and borrow issues of Computer Music and the accompanying DVDs. Usually, they'd throw in drum samples, etc. Great stuff... and for free too.
Dude, Nice tune there!!

About the drums , I use Acoustica Beatcraft... As real as it gets man.. its got a basic MIDI like interface which we all love... and if you want more its got stuff like drum hitting dynamics and all :lol:
Alrighty dude, good to have you back here. Decent stuff. I noticed an Indian-ish part somewhere in the song - don't know why. But your balad-y part is mor elike it now. The only thing I wasn't too keen on was the numerous tones - ok I guess but there was one part - wait I go see - ah at approx :30 it sounds a lot too thin. All the other guitar parts were phat and juicy - warm. They worked for the song. But that thinny part just didn't slice it for me.

I smell a nice fat flanger somewhere. ;-)

Cheers & Stay Blessed