Has anyone watched The Wicker Man?


New member
This movie brings sexism to us guys. After watching this movie, i really hate women for that 5 minutes after watching it...So girls dont bring ur boyfriend to watch this movie. Im not gonna spoil the movie for you guys, but i find it very degrading to men. Im basically pissed off at the end of the movie. haha. cheers!
are you referring to the nicholas cage remake or the 70s original? i was laughing my ass off the entire time during the remake...it was more of a comedy really..
Haha i can't believe Nicholas Cage is going to be Ghost Rider.. He looks like hes going to fall asleep face so sleepy haha
The movie really sucks! Its not scary, not exciting and waste time. Nicholas cage is acting in bad films nowadays. Hope he lives it up again in Ghostrider, already he doesn't look like what Johnny Blaze is suppose to look like...