
New member
I seriously think kids should be arrested for vandalising studios. use drum stick break stick all. push every fkin nob to max and rock out like one rockstar. think what, their house ah? to all u newcomers of the jamming world. Please don't be shy to ask questions if you don't know what ur doing. don't try and be a smart ass and experiment. Equipments have their limits. dont push it. and don't meddle with things ur not sure of. Its not gonna work.

Spoil already? be a man, own up and pay for that shit.

Not speaking on behalf of personal experience, but shared by many, im sure.

Im just sick of seeing studio after studio getting raped for no bloody reason. Ppl set up space for them to practice and they abuse it. tsk tsk tsk, shame on those who don't respect the studio.
I agree.

"If you can't love the equipments and the guitars, then don't play any instrument cause you're only destroying it."

The studio should ban them.

i think it's important for studios to be really really strict about people paying up for equipment they've damaged or destroyed. shouldn't be a need to call the cops unless they refuse to pay i guess.
used to love fourtones when they just started out cos of their nice equipment and studios. but after a year or so somehow the equipment just didnt seem as nice anymore :/
used to love fourtones when they just started out cos of their nice equipment and studios. but after a year or so somehow the equipment just didnt seem as nice anymore :/

Somehow I feel the same way. And the arrangement of equipments in one of the rooms not that good. No omph.
Somehow I feel the same way. And the arrangement of equipments in one of the rooms not that good. No omph.

haha used to love the bigger room (the one you just went all the way straight after entering the unit), gave off a very cozy vibe and a very comfortable jamming environment.
thats y i always do a b4 and after check when the bands jam...check the drums (especially) cymbals wth the band and the rest of equipments when they are setting up....and after they are done jamming....

There are cases where KIDS wont own up and give xcuses... and in KIDS i meant adults also since they behave like KIDS...

i applaud those who owns up and pay for the damages...kept to their words when they say they dun have cash and can pay nxt wk/mth etc...

Others just simply vanish...i mean u can't hold their IC till they pay or their equipments...its a situation where u have to trust the individual to pay...

and u cant possibly ask the band to pay for an amp being blown up since amp are used for long hours sumtimes in my cases up to 18-20hrs a day...so usualyy its either the cymbals/skins or other minor things like hardwares that are chargeable...

stuffs breaking are part and parcel of studios....wear and tear...sumtimes i wonder when new studios open up and offer high end equipments, will they remain high end all the way when equipments need replacing or its just a gimmick to pull in customers......just my 2 cents...
if there's really a job for this. i would love to volunteer. seriously, i too used to love jamming in fourtones. but, it didnt felt like wht it used to be when this "kids" came.
i guess both have to be blamed...the KIDS (for the damages) and the studio (for not ensuring and not maintaining/keeping up wth equipments)
Once, some years back at my friends jam studio, some kinds vandalized the studio during jamming by smashing the guitars, poking the guitar next through the amps, demolishing the drums etc etc ..

After the jam, they just ran out, flung the studio fee money on the table and ran off..

My friend went in and got the shock of his life at the carnage..

Inflamed, he chased after the 3 boys but only managed to get 1 as the other two escaped. Lucky he didnt hammer the fella as my friend is rather hotheaded.

The boy was yayaya & said "my father can pay you what" ... at that point my friend lost it .. so they detained the bastard & just called the cops.

Aftermath - cops came, his parents came, begged my friend not to press charges , other two boys were identified ... their parents also got involved.

All 3 boys parents had to coff up big $$$ to repay studio damage..

All because of infantile minds who could have risked their future if things truly got out of hand.

This is a case to the extreme of course but I just tot I"d mention it here as it seems relevent to this thread.
I seriously think kids should be arrested for vandalising studios....
Spoil already? be a man, own up and pay for that shit.

First of all, as u mentioned they are just kids, they havent grown to be a man yet.

That's why i suggested in another thread to put security guards in every Jamming room in addition to security Cameras.
First of all, as u mentioned they are just kids, they havent grown to be a man yet.

That's why i suggested in another thread to put security guards in every Jamming room in addition to security Cameras.

ok if we change his sentence abit how bout everyone or anyone who vandalizes the studio not just kids?
My thoughts,

Wear and tear are part and parcel of usage from long usage.
Deliberately destroying the equipments are very chargeable, in terms of money or cops. :)

I think when wanna let kids jam there, see the faces. If they look like serious in playing music, then let them in. If not, out they go. LOL.
once at a certain studio in bugis, my drummer went nuts and broke the drumsticks and bass drum pedal's chain(dunnoe what you all call it), so yeah there was a list of charges jammers have to pay if they broke things. so we went "hey man we broke the drumsticks here's the $2 extra and uh..this pedal..how ah(we brought out the pedal to show the counterman.)" the counterman with his both blur2. they never say anyhting so we hurried out. but hey we were honest.
To those running jam studios, if you are reading this, do consider installing some IT solutions.

1) There are many wide-angle lens for cctv these days, you can capture the sight of almost the whole jam room.

2) Desktop servers and harddisk space are very affordable these days.

3) Let the recording start and end your day of business.

4) For retention, keep the recorded videos for a week or more.

5) When nothing wrong is found during your weekly thorough check, delete the videos, so that you can free up the harddisk space.

6) When someone vandalise your studio, as long as the action was captured, you will have the evidence.

You need not deploy those cctv solutions. If you can find help, such recording system can be done the DIY way. Invest in security, it goes a long way.


Btw, there are very sensible kids jamming in studios. It's more of the person, and not his/her age.
There are just a bunch of irresponsible idiots who behave that way.

While i always ensure my crew to check the equipments with the bands before and after sessions, other unexpected things happened like our expensive high end Pearl snare swapped with some cheapo brandless one. Sucks, isn't it?

And I heard from someone that his guitarist came with a newspaper-stuffed guitar bag , and left with the studio guitar in it!! But he refused to mention which studio was that.

More things happened .. which i already posted in an earlier thread.
Hey now, you guys have generalised ''KIDS'' as being the ones who screw up everything in the studio.. I've seen sensible kids who know how to operate a mixer, eq their own amps, troubleshoot basic problems.. but there are the other people who do not know how to operate any equipment in the studio and instead of asking for help, end up screwing the settings and even the power supplies for some equipment.. These people don't only include kids do they! There are other reasonably 'OLD ENOUGH (16,17,18)' kids in the equation!

So to seek redress for some kids who know what they are doing, please use the term inconsiderate jammers or the like!