Guitarists, your PICKs?...


i use Dunlop Stubby pics 2.0/ 3.0, both the acrylic & nylon versions. it's basically due to what i believe in, most of it is rather psychological. i'm bothered by picks that bend upon contact with the string. to me, there's resistance & it'll induce lethargy & subsequently, mistakes. these are often thin picks which i'm not fond of these days. to think that my sting gauge is a .009/ .0095 set...

i also believe in the indentation of the Stubby picks, which promotes grip.

the other reson for embracing thick picks is basically aggression. black metal & soft/ thin picks aren't exactly a good mix... 8)
Dunlop Jazz III, red colour one. Find it the most versatile, from picking to strumming of chords, to bluesey solos or shredding, it feels comfortable and easy sounding. :) thats to me lah... :oops:
ok, here's my contribution....

I use .09 guage on my jagmaster, and a 0.12 gauge on my viper-50, which is usually downtuned a whole step....

i tend a two particular series of picks....

1.) the Jazz 3 black ones (they are sharper... :wink: )
2.) the Dunlop Tortex USA 1.14mm picks (these babies have a wonderful feel which place them right in the middle of my Jazz 3's and my thinner tortex's.)
3.) the Dunlop Tortex USA 0.50mm ones

I tend to like to use different picks with different songs that i play.... naturally heavier metal songs call for my Jazz 3's and songs like iris feel nicer to me, at least, with my 0.50mm tortex's....
also, i tend to like to use the thinner two picks on my jagmaster and the thicker two types of picks for my viper-50... just because of the strong guage... i usually carry three picks as such... one of each.... :P
Jim Dunlops white nylons - thin & hard for strumin & fast pickin...and of ourse my 4 fingers & thumnb... 8)
A mix of Tortexs and Stubbys for me.

I also have a few of these brnadless, black, bloody thick stubby-looking picks I got from Shanghai. Good stuff. :twisted:
darkballa said:
I heard osmewhere that you can get black 1.14 tortex picks is this true?
i think u can. coz i'm using them, but mine is the smallish jazz size. its exactly like the purple ones, except for the colour. i'm not sure if u can get them in the normal size tho.

Yeah,cant the black 1.14mm tortex anywhere now man. seems to be out of stock all the time. Love it for my riffings, for lead playing, I use stubby 2.0mm, used to swear by 3.0mm, then I tried the 2.0mm again, felt much better
Die Die Must be Jazz III's (Red Ones). Really addicted to them. though i still find it ok if i have to sum others identical to the jazz III's like the tortex etc etc. Im using 11-52's On D tuning. Jazz III's sharp pointed tips are reallly great for aggressive riffings and Digging. :P
i'm using the 1.14 black jazz tortex that echoist put up, and thanks to soft i've found a long lost friend (echoist) here :D
hahahahhhahaha! yes edo, i didn't know it was u earlier! glad to find u here too! hehehehhhe... i feel if we were to put actual faces to the names, most of the people here might have known each other some way or another...

ok, back to the topic of picks now. hhehehehhhe...

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