noobie need help


New member
hi im looking for basic drum set, i have my eye on pearl rt. i need help answering few question since i never play on the real thing, i been playing about a year on my old yamaha dd-55 set, so tot of upgrading on to the real stuff.

im an average singaporean so im staying on hdb estate so the main problem is sound level, i read tru some thread, but need more detail. my dd-55 at max level have no problem with the neighbour, coz no complain reported.

1.wats the diff between mesh and muffer? much diff is the sound level between the real stuff and mesh/muffer?
3.will the mesh n muffer sound like the real stuff/slight diff or totally diff?
4.i see alot that mesh n muffer rebounce alot, how much alot? for example if i play 16note double stroke roll using bounce method on the real stuff, on mesh/muffer will i get 3 stroke roll? or is a diff kind of bounce i not encounter yet since i have not taste the real stuff.
5.i see the thread about stuffing the set with fibre, to wat i know the pearl rt toms are hollow so the fibre idea is out, if this so, can i change my tom to other kind or brand which is not hollow and place it on my pearl rt set?
6.if question 5 look stupid, wat kind of kit sud i get, basic set something like pearl rt as its decent size for my room and able to stuff fibre?
7.let say i decide not to use mesh/muffer, is there any other way i can reduce the sound like to yamaha dd-55 max level volume?---> since the max level i not receive any complain.
this a few question i can think of for now.
and im sorry if my question is repeating or noobish.
as i said before i have not taste the real drum yet. i juz pick my drumming as hobby, due i injure myself on sports, and unable to do any sport activities, so i get the dd-55 and self learn tru internet, i even get the dvd self learning pack. well thats diff story, juz wanna improve my drumming so im getting the real kit........ who know, god willing i can do freelance drummer and do gigs for $$$$$$....... hahahaha
and thank alot if anyone manage to asnwer the few simple question. really appreciate it.
Alamak i post it on the wrong section, sud be in the drum gear section, admin im sorry can transfer this post there, sorry for the trouble. :)
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Since I used to own an RT, I'll try to answer your questions.

1. A muffler is usually something that is ADDED ONTO a regular drumhead to muffle it. A mesh head REPLACES a regular drumhead.

2. My experience with mesh heads is that they are close to silent. I could play at 2am and no one will hear a thing. You are essentially playing on a tightly stretched fabric, in this case, nylon.
Never used mufflers, so can't speak for them.

3. The point of using mesh is for 'silent practice'. No sound!

4. Depends on how tight you have them. Mesh heads at medium tension are close to real heads at medium tight.

5. If you use mesh heads, you don't need the fibre. In fact, if you use RT toms, you don't need fibre. The fibre use mainly used to muffle the reso head, which vibrates when you hit the batter.

6. If you want something silent - get the RT with mesh heads.
If you want something just for stuffing fibre - get some pillows.
If you want an acoustic drumkit - get any kit but be prepared to work out some deal with your neighbours, and only be able to 'go all out' at jamming sessions at studios etc.

7. This is kinda duh, but you can 'reduce' the volume by playing softer. Trying brushes, rutes, etc.
wow thanks for the reply. mesh no sound wow.... good for praticing your self around the drum kit.

anyone know anything about muffer? will it produce sound at low volume? if its so how low is it? thanks
1.wats the diff between mesh and muffer?

a mesh is self explanatory. it's a mesh made of wires/ nylon tightly wound in a mesh form. it replaces the drum skin so it's virtually silent.

a muffler does what it does, it muffles the sound. you put it over the drum skin to control the resonance of the sound. much diff is the sound level between the real stuff and mesh/muffer?

is this a serious question?

3.will the mesh n muffer sound like the real stuff/slight diff or totally diff?

how is this different from the above question?

4.i see alot that mesh n muffer rebounce alot, how much alot? for example if i play 16note double stroke roll using bounce method on the real stuff, on mesh/muffer will i get 3 stroke roll? or is a diff kind of bounce i not encounter yet since i have not taste the real stuff.

of course meshes/ mufflers have different bounciness from drum skins.

a double stroke roll is played by controlling the amount of bounces the stick does when it hits the surface. You are not hitting and letting it naturally bounce until it stops. You merely hit and let it bounce once before catching the stick back, or forcing the stick to bounce faster. i can do a double stroke on my thighs, on a table, on a drum skin, on the floor, on my wall, on my cat, on my hat, on a box, on a fox. it doesn't matter; it's all about control.

5.i see the thread about stuffing the set with fibre, to wat i know the pearl rt toms are hollow so the fibre idea is out, if this so, can i change my tom to other kind or brand which is not hollow and place it on my pearl rt set?

i'm sorry? other than intentionally stuffing them, methinks all toms/snares are hollow.

6.if question 5 look stupid, wat kind of kit sud i get, basic set something like pearl rt as its decent size for my room and able to stuff fibre?

erm, i think this question looks stupider. what kind of kit sud you get? i don't understand. was that even a question? and how the hell would we know how big your room is without pics? NPNT!!!

7.let say i decide not to use mesh/muffer, is there any other way i can reduce the sound like to yamaha dd-55 max level volume?---> since the max level i not receive any complain.

a dd55 is not a drum kit, i'm afraid. the amount of force needed to produce a sound and when you play an actual drum kit is totally different. play a drum kit like a drum kit, play a drum module like a drum module. my advice would be not to mute it so that you can learn to control your playing. i live in a hdb flat, and i don't receive any complaints, partly because of my location. but also the time i play (i only play from 9-6) and how loud i play. i don't thrash my kit.

and im sorry if my question is repeating or noobish.

no worries.

as i said before i have not taste the real drum yet.

it'll be different from drum modules. very different. drumming is not only playing the beat. it's playing a groove. you'll learn in time. and also when playing drum kits, we don't normally taste them.

i juz pick my drumming as hobby, due i injure myself on sports, and unable to do any sport activities, so i get the dd-55 and self learn tru internet, i even get the dvd self learning pack. well thats diff story, juz wanna improve my drumming so im getting the real kit........ who know, god willing i can do freelance drummer and do gigs for $$$$$$....... hahahaha

well good luck, but i'll advice you to learn from someone. that'll help you to correct any bad habits you might pick up from self-learning. and also helps you have a structured practice routine so that you can learn more efficiently. if you're serious about drumming, it's a good investment.
Hey bealerbet,

Great to hear that you are planning to get an acoustic kit.

weckl-x has pretty much answered all your queries but if still have more please feel free to ask. I think your questions are very valid for a beginner and this forum has many friendly drummers who are very willing to answer ANY questions.

Also, do drop by the next drum exchange and talk to any fellow softies in could learn heaps.

All the best! And keep the questions coming!
wow thanks alot for the reply.... hahah i for sure will come out more stupid question.... in the future how stupid the question is, i hope you guys be patient towards us noobs. it may look stupid to pros but for us"noobs" its a honest question. everyone have to start somewhere... :-D
Hey, no worries! No forums are perfect but we really have quite a healthy and helpful community here. I really didn't think your questions were stupid and honestly, no serious/matured "pros" will regard your questions as stupid. Just keep them coming and I hope to see you hanging around here more often!

Yo Xeno! How are you!

Ya man, you are right...but there are some who are here in the spirit of putting people down (as if they have something to prove)! I hope the spirit of drumming can start kicking some of these arse around a bit!
haha im doing fine (: though i didn't get those foam pads from you LOL.

yea true. take in the good stuff, leave out the bad stuffs. negative and inconstructive comments arn't worthy for any ears anyway. haha!