Guitar77 Year End Auction 2007!


Hi All,

Welcome to Guitar77 SOFT Year End Auction 2007. Firstly, We would like to congratulate last year winner for taking home the beautiful "POT Guitar". This year the guitar to be auction is Lyon by WASHBURN and the bid will start at SGD$77. This auction will end on the 1st of January 2008 at 00:00 hours so good luck to all and let the bidding begins!!




eh daheng.. if everyone back out like tt.. and edit edit.. then if e winner realised he is the winner but in actual fact he is juz bidding for fun.. then how? edit and let e previous guy pay for it?
hi guys.

thanks Gr3y for your understanding, and i hope that this will not happen again.

we are at the christmas season, so should be a lots of partying and stuffs.

just put this small incident behind and carry on with the auction.

top bidder as of 19th december 2007 >> ymmak

Best regards,
Rui (+65) 91864194
sia lah, i m still holiday making in hk now, just checking soft after so many days, then realise i m the top bidder. shock!!!

if die die i m the top bidder, can change bid or not, to like lower figures of $120? since the guy before me bid $115, i just wanna top him by $5. haha. dun wanna pay so much.

Wa can like that wan ah?
2 top bidders pull out?
let him pay the 120 la .... have mercy .. this the season that we all are low on money ... oh well just a thought ...
The reason why no one bid after you is precisely because you bid $200. If you bid $120, I'm sure there will be people bidding after your turn. So it will be wrong of you to ask for a price of $120...

So the best decision would be to allow the last bidder to back out...
a forum only needs people like this to make the dealers stop giving out good deals.

waste time only...
ok guys, let 's not make it into a flaming thread,

Top bidder - ymmak @ $120.

Wish all a Happy New Year 2008 and best luck to all!!

Let it carry on...

Best Regards,
sigh, even after Rui lowered the price to $120, he still backed out.

Same guy who asked me to reserve a pedal for him for almost a month, only to say "no money, sorry" when the reservation date hit.

Such a shame that we have people like that on SOFT. Thankfully there's plenty of good buyers/sellers for every person like him.
dare to open mouth so big can't even afford $120 discounted rate? then why bid in the first place? why not just cough up $120 to show us whether you still have your two LP ji?
Thank you guys for your support;

The rules of bidding still apply, as gentlemen always earns respect;

Top bidder as at 29th dec; SIRCOOL >> $115.00

3 more days left and a Rock & Roll 2008!

Best Regards,
Rui (+65) 91864194