give up normal music


New member
When did you guys started to give up listening to pop/rap stars lip syncing

And realise they suck?

Then start listening to Real Instrument music eg. Metal, Hard Rock, Jazz?.

Me, was during primary 6, Realised there was a folder in my computer which my bro kept all his Metal songs in it.
never liked them man, i remember as a kid I thought britney and whatever the shit was the shit back then, ie spice girls, was it? Were total crap. And they are, started listening to metal in sec 3 and classical in sec 4, it just grew from there. Prior to that, i thought music was crap because i was not exposed to actual music.
... Prior to that, i thought music was crap because i was not exposed to actual music.

that point is very debatable.

but to answer the ts's question,

i don't really think pop music suck,
it's the association with the people who sang it that made that impression, imo.
but that aside,
america isn't the only country that has pop music.

and this is coming from someone who listens to mostly metal.
yeah i grew up listening to pop music and i still do (class 95fm).

rap? i don't regard rap as music and i was never into rap so i never had to quit rap
hmm. i know to you it really suck la. but that's music industry dude, there are alot of people that listen to these songs and these industry are growing, many people has their own type of preferences. pop may be cool to them. as for me yes i like progressive metals (eg. between the buried and me, etc.) and i do find rap and so on crap. as for your question i started when i was sec one, listened to the haunted , arch enemy and so on. :cool:
i tend to find mainstream music made as a means to an end, which is money making,
whereas underground music/"non-commercialised" music used as an end to a means, which are their intentions.
i started playing guitar when i was 13, but i was playing to pretty mainstream stuff like blink-182, green day, metallica, etc. when i was 14, i was introduced to punk rock like nofx, the unseen, rancid, etc. thats when i kinda knew that there are alternatives so i searched the net and found this huge dump of core genres. i still listen to pop shit like the beatles though
techno anyone?

started off as a kid listening to themes like GHOSTBUSTERS and MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. saw some MTV rock music video of a guy playing drums and thought to myself,"heh shit. how hard can it be? i could do that!" naive much?

forgot about rock and started listening to mainstream (AQUA and BACKSTREET BOYS) in primary school. listened to classical when i entered secondary school and had the mindset that metal is bad.
my cousins then introduced me to NIRVANA and my love of rock music grew ever since.

now? now i still think that metal is BAAAAAAAAD!! :twisted:

well basically, i wasnt really a fan of music until i entered secondary school.
When did you guys started to give up listening to pop/rap stars lip syncing

And realise they suck?

well who are you to judge people's tastes in music?

what if your preferences like instrumentals are the real 'shit'? then who's right, who's wrong?
childish thread imo

woaa.. dude..!! relax relax dun flame! its his point of view.. so yea. we can debate but we don't flame :mrgreen:
woaa.. dude..!! relax relax dun flame! its his point of view.. so yea. we can debate but we don't flame :mrgreen:

nah man its just that its kinda irritating that people still say that 'oh, so and so music is better than your crap' kinda gets on my nerves sometimes. kinda childish, don't you agree?
well peace i guess

i grew up with rock and metal in the background, when i was a kid.

i used to listen to the metal stuff on and liked it.

i then started watching MTV and fell in love with Avril Lavigne.

A while after, I decided she was crap and started expanding my horizons. This was when I first picked up the guitar and the bass.

Now, after playing for 2 years or so, I am once again an Avril fan!
nah man its just that its kinda irritating that people still say that 'oh, so and so music is better than your crap' kinda gets on my nerves sometimes. kinda childish, don't you agree?
well peace i guess


hmm nothing to comment la :-D just debate about it lor :mrgreen:
Not sure why rap gets such a bad rap among rock and metal fans. I am not the biggest rap fan but there are some rap albums that I consistently listen to just (Nas's Illimatic, Wu Tang's 36 Chambers) because they are very good lyrically and/or the beats.