thing is, if anyone noticed, almost all the people who are pushing for the "banning" of singlish and the supporting of the so-called proper english are the ones who are able to speak both english and singlish.
if one were to abolish singlish or to look down on singlish as a tool of communication, it would be equivalent to looking down as those who are unable to speak english properly, which could include many who are uneducated or who are lesser educated than the rest.
besides, i see no harm in singlish at all. bush speaks in a texan accent and sometimes do stupid things that normal human beings do. this helps people relate to him and realise that hey, even our president is human and just like us. similarly, singlish helps us identify ourselves as singaporeans and hence there is no harm in "singlish" as a communication device at all.
while the standard of english should not be neglected, it is a fallacy as not everyone has an equal chance or access to good english speakers or teachers.
it is unfair that singlish is discriminated even by our own fellow singaporeans. while people in this thread have mentioned about double standards, isnt discriminating singlish in the favour of the queen's english or victorian english or whatever english displaying double standards as well?
might be off topic. such controversial topics have arise cos of something called globalisation. globalisation have been around us for a long time but its only cos of technological advancement that people are able to exchange ideas all around the world. english was introduced probably when raffles "founded" singapore and when singapore was under the british. however, most of the people who originally lived in singapore were asians (ie from malaya, india, china, wherever) and they had their own languages. probably cos they were under british rule, they had to study english. english isnt their native language and hence i find that it is perfectly understandable and reasonable that they have come up with a bastardised form of english so that everyone understood each other. granted, the rest of the world may not understand us when we talk, but as long as people within the country understood each other, i dont see a problem.
if one were to say that singlish should never be considered a form of language, its saying that english should be the standard for language. isnt singlish the same as chinese and bahasa melayu etc, since i believe most people from the UK and the US are unable to understand chinese and bahasa melayu?
i think that "faking" of accents is actually a worldwide phenomenon. believe it or not, some of your "customer service" toll-free number etc are based in countries like india, and the person who is at your service is actually an india-born indian. these indians undergo workshops/lessons in which they learn how to pronounce every single word in an american accent. if you wanna know more about such things perhaps you can read Thomas Friedman's The World is Flat. (i think there is a film based off the book as well.)
here is the link to the summary of the book: