Gallery 2006

Actually to set the volume at 3 on my 65W Marshall valvstate under-my-desk combo is already quite loud for my room. It's usually set at 2 if I'm playing through the speakers but might go till 4 if using headphones. :D I can't imgaine having a half stack playing at 3 in my room. You are sure blessed with very understanding neighbours. :wink:
Wah...I can't even hear myself and my amp's not even turned over 2! Lol...wouldn't 3 be total annhilation for your neighbour's sleep? Lol...
heres my new wife..hahaha..the Edwards Les Paul




Headstock(its a little blur..sorry bout it)

Cloudsky said:
How do they weight compared to epiphone/gibson les pauls? :)

hmm..nv hold a gibson one...but as compared to the epiphone les paul..the edwards LP seems to be lighter to me...
have posted for a long time but here's my latest additions:

pedalboard! got this at ranking for $70! but a bit small for me, but it's half the price! hehe


EEE SO BLUR! sorry! hahaha

and my project guitar. it was my old yamaha guitar and now it sounds great!


yup that is. all in all it cost me around $400. it sounds good because i changed the pickups all dimarzios and changed the switch and the input jack. then also cost money for the cutting and the painting

it's a good alternative for my JEM JR. this one is more vintage sounding compared to my JEM JR because it has the dual sound and it's 22 frets.