Gallery 2006

Haha the Danelectro Fish and Chips is the green EQ pedal. Seems like it's much quiter than the Boss one. Sounded great when I tried it out. The footswitch was a bit wonky so I replaced it with a Carling for him.
theblueark said:
Haha the Danelectro Fish and Chips is the green EQ pedal. Seems like it's much quiter than the Boss one.

it is quieter! :) Did an a/b with the Boss and at a fraction of the price, the F&C is very worth it. As long as you don't stomp on it. :wink:
Oh dat figures, no wonder sounded so familiar. Nice work la, the new switch probably easier to stomp on too. Might consider a cheap Eq pedal now man. :D
attack of the blondes 8)

i would say get the dano fish n chips, just hope u get lucky and ur footswitch is not screwed up like mine! hahaha...

nice strats man! the top one is a mexican one?
subversion said:
nope- it's a Highway1

Bro, please give warning before posting such an obscene graphic content.
Not all viewers has the legal age of watching such thing hehehehe.

i chose the blonde as it shows very little grain through the satin overcoat. nothing too diff from yours, tany. just that a darker stain tend to highlight the wood grain.
subversion said:
do note this one down on your list 8)

I bought one of them behringer pedals. And have played a couple of them at Luther's. The bypass if freakin horrible. And the 'first-class' on/off switch (as stated by behringer on the back of the package) is a joke. I'll take a picture of the switch and post it tmrw :lol:

The fish and chips had a fairly good footswitch. It just tends to get a little sticky.
subversion said:
DarknessFury said:
Eh subby, you put that sticker to cover up that Highway logo?

i don't get you bro- there's no other sticker beneath the coyote... 8)

Oh don't have ar? Lol...'coz I remember seeing a highway logo on a Fender strat at that position where that coyote is...
Sub, thanks for the recommendation.

theblueark said:
subversion said:
do note this one down on your list 8)

I bought one of them behringer pedals. And have played a couple of them at Luther's. The bypass if freakin horrible. And the 'first-class' on/off switch (as stated by behringer on the back of the package) is a joke. I'll take a picture of the switch and post it tmrw :lol:

The fish and chips had a fairly good footswitch. It just tends to get a little sticky.

Pls do, I hrd a lot about the Behringer stuff , but was wondering what was all the hype(or none) about it, being cheap and all. Hows the other pedals? Like the OD etc. Never really considered their stuff before.
The hype is simple.

They are cheap.

Thats all it takes to convince someone it rocks because its "bang for buck". Of course, there are some genuine cases lah... :wink:
skink83 said:
Sub, thanks for the recommendation.

Pls do, I hrd a lot about the Behringer stuff , but was wondering what was all the hype(or none) about it, being cheap and all. Hows the other pedals? Like the OD etc. Never really considered their stuff before.

IMO i don't think there's much hype to it, considering that almost every account of it in various forums are about it's unbecoming levels of durability. however, my Pre-amp Booster is working fine thusfar.