Gallery 2006

siva dude, is that tiny little Ibanez on top of your bookshelf your main amp?

if it is, i strongly suggest you get a better one to fully enjoy playing your new guitar 8)
All Epiphone Truss rod covers have Gibson on it. Doesnt mean its MIJ, MIJ ones have the same headstock shape as Gibson.
yea MRE. . tts my main amp ..yeap .. now saving up for a new amp .

oo. mine is made in china .. but the workmanship on it is good . the joints , binding and all are good.
huh all epiphone lp have gibson on it? My epiphone which i bought from luthers sometimes back have a les pual or something else instead.

Anyway, my friend told me epiphone plain top uses real maghony only (unlike standard, which consists of alder), how true is that? Or ?? Anyone tried them?
nong nong ago.. ( parden the pun )
i had a old epiphone i bought from davis. at $750 if i recall. it sounded KILLER. up till now i have no idea why... it was with the "usa gibson designed pickups". the newer epihones ive tried really cannot compare. If you guys are into lps but dun wanna burst the bank..i strongly suggest looking for an old one. maybe 1990s?

had a CE24 with an alder w/ maple top- it sounded very good as well... very clear and robust sounding. kinda like a lespaul without the mud. so Alders a pretty nice wood too. heavy though.
yea.. the newer epi les pauls (stds etc) are made with mahogany backs and alder tops.

for mine , it sounds perfectly good to me . thick and big sounding.

although there is always this big hoo-haa abt MIC guitars being low grade watsoever, i beg to differ.. :) it depends on what u have got in your hands lar. there is always something good everywhere.
yea.. the newer epi les pauls (stds etc) are made with mahogany backs and alder tops.

for mine , it sounds perfectly good to me . thick and big sounding.

although there is always this big hoo-haa abt MIC guitars being low grade watsoever, i beg to differ..
well, for mine , the finish , fretboard , neck and all are well done.
it depends on your luck sometimes.. there is always something good everywhere. :) just gotta take the effort to try and find the best there is

my white baby
siva said:
although there is always this big hoo-haa abt MIC guitars being low grade watsoever, i beg to differ.. :) it depends on what u have got in your hands lar. there is always something good everywhere.

the big issue about chinese units are often overblown. potential buyers are advised to try & inspect these units in person, let whatever forum inputs you've read be just a scratch of the real situation.
I think he meant about the perception that MIC guitars are of low quality, build etc.

Always try before you buy, whether MIA, MIM, MIK or MIC cos it includes expensive guitars as well.

The Blast! guitars on g77 caught my eye. Looks extraordinary well made from the pics, anyone got a low-down on them?