Jaguar players will probably know, there'll be lots of setting up before you can really enjoy playing it (due to the infamous bridge design...have to adjust bridge height, maybe shim the neck, etc to reduce the string buzz, slippage, etc). So far, I haven't got down to playing it much cos I did the neck swap almost straight after I got it (didn't have extra strings to put it back) but it'll feel like home since I've been playing with my other Jaguar for sometime already.
The stock Japanese pickups are not really my cup of tea. Microphonic feedbacks are common and the highs can be quite shrill. They will be replaced with the American Vintage reissue pickups found on the American reissue Jaguars for more authentic sound (and look, since the AV reissue pickups are aged...see my sunburst jag)
Will keep this White jaguar stock (other than changing to AV reissue pickups) and will mod the sunburst one intensively...routing the cavity, adding a hot rails, changing to 3-way toggle switch, pots, different wiring, etc) :lol: