Gallery 2006

i got it used, came wif the kahler & the coat of paint...

lucky to find one wif the kahler, that bridge alone is ard $500 sing...

heres an old pic:
Nice. It's a pretty unique LP even without that custom mirror job. Any comments on the Kahler (i.e. is it a locking trem that's worthy of its price tag :))?
crozzfire said:
how much did u get that lp?
confidential 8) , i got it for a pretty decent price...but it wasn't in very gd shape...i had to get it set-up & cleaned-up properly...

babelfish said:
Any comments on the Kahler (i.e. is it a locking trem that's worthy of its price tag :))?
its a gd trem but i dun think its worth 500 dollars no...

but having said that, the kahler is very tweakable u can adjust string spacing, its got individual sting height/action adjustment, you can get much more subtle vibratos & it feels and plays more like a hard tail than a floating bridge...the only other floating bridge i've tried is the ibanez edge, so i'm comparing to it....

i haven't been able to explore it to its full potential though cuz (if u noticed) i don't have a locking-nut, so i haven't been doing crazy steve vai whammy on it...

but the downside of having the tweakability is having more moving parts and the maintenance IMO is more than a FR-type bridge...
The more moving parts thing is a big no-no for the kahler IMO... needs freq attention/upkeep/oiling to ensure maximum performance.... And more moving parts = less sustain though the kahler design makes up for it.

The Edge is king though... :P
My new Fender Jaguar has arrived! Thanks to someone in the Jag forum, I managed to get hold of this (can I say, rare?) Olympic white from a store in Japan, making me a proud owner of 2 Jaguars :) Here are some pics to enjoy:




I couldn't resist to swap the necks to see how it'd look on my sunburst:




Fender Jaguar Duo:




(yeah yeah, I was lazy to put up the strings after the swap *lol*)
I know it looks a little weird with the mismatched neck/body combination *lol* I'll probably switch them back next time.

I will be changing the Japanese pickups to AV reissue ones like what I did for my sunburst Jag. However, I'll probably be doing some intensive modifications to my sunburst one to make it my main/stage guitar (adding a 3rd pickup, 3-way toggle switch, different wiring, etc) and keep the white jag stock.

P.s Pardon the graphics-intensive post :lol:
Jaguar players will probably know, there'll be lots of setting up before you can really enjoy playing it (due to the infamous bridge design...have to adjust bridge height, maybe shim the neck, etc to reduce the string buzz, slippage, etc). So far, I haven't got down to playing it much cos I did the neck swap almost straight after I got it (didn't have extra strings to put it back) but it'll feel like home since I've been playing with my other Jaguar for sometime already.

The stock Japanese pickups are not really my cup of tea. Microphonic feedbacks are common and the highs can be quite shrill. They will be replaced with the American Vintage reissue pickups found on the American reissue Jaguars for more authentic sound (and look, since the AV reissue pickups are aged...see my sunburst jag)

Will keep this White jaguar stock (other than changing to AV reissue pickups) and will mod the sunburst one intensively...routing the cavity, adding a hot rails, changing to 3-way toggle switch, pots, different wiring, etc) :lol:
I just got my new Ibanez AF75D from a japanese collector..he kept it for 2 years and nv touched it..doesnt know how to colour is now a faded turqoise colour..sweet me if u want to see more of the pics...anyway..the japanese collector is selling some of his guitars and effects..i'll get bac to u guys when he has emailed me the full range of stuff he wanna sell.."his wife is complainin on the amt of stuff he has"
the jagaur really make me wanna buy one :lol:

how come need to shim and neck all that? If i didnt swap the neck, do I still need to do all such thing? Are what are those switches at the upper horn? Really look attractive
superkicky: Finally! Someone who appreciates blocks and bindings on the sunburst! *lol*

shreddedsweeper: *lol* I'll have good karma if I manage to convert you to a jag-lover...hahah! Anyway, you don't have to shim the neck for every jaguar guitars. Depends on your preference cos the main gripe about Jaguars is that there is a lot of buzz at the bridge saddles, slippage of the low E strings from the bridge due to the design. What most people do is put heavy strings (at least 10 and above) to get more tension on the bridge so that the E string won't slip. Others raise the bridge to get more tension and shim the neck to compensate for the increased action while some will get the 'buzz stop' (a simple device seen on my sunburst jag) to increase tension/sustain on the strings. I did all the above to get the lowest action and sustain. Another alternative is to replace it with a Fender Mustang bridge.

As for the controls on the upper horn, the 2-way switch is for switching between neck and bridge pickup. The roller knobs there are for tone and vol control for the neck pickup. Once you toggle to bridge pickup, the bottom control panel will be in use. The bottom switches allow you to switch on/off individual bridge/neck pickup and the last switch is a bass-cut

You can hear how it works from this interactive jaguar website:

Rottenramone: Let's see...I'm still left with the Candy Red...the Sonic blue...the Sea Foam green... :lol: