Gallery 2006

haha..i got mine from a guitar is 2years old..the turqoise has a faded effect & the collector doesnt play it was on his dispaly with other it at a steal..$280..and it doesnt even look like second hand..swee lee retails it at $680 in orange only for the AF75D models
Hideo...A Japanese Man..he is having a garage sale today at his home..letting go alot of gears and guitars...he posted on luthermusic too..u might wanna go check out for good deals..he is letting go of another Artcore AF75TD (with vintage trem) for only $250..u might wanna go grab it fast..if i had $ now..i will go get it..
Some pix of some updates i made recently...

Line 6 Flextone III

Me Pedals
Recently Added a MIJ Ds-1 and Ce-2 and also a Ibanez De-7c

The whole thing.

Nothing special but works fine for me :)

OH and the TRI AC in the 2nd pic is up for sale!

These days many boxes are modelers, see how this fellow's distortion modeler go into his modulation modeler going into another filter modeler that eventually ends with a delay modeler. :lol:

btw, anyone ever had such DM4-MM4-FM4-DL4 setup? Very cool, IMO. 8)
they use those modellers during live gigs too it u pay attention to some of their live vid....

i hv yet to tired those, but i think those are some cool stuff to get yr hands on....
i see ur rg7620!

and why did they come to interivew u and about wat? damn cool man

and u also a fan of maple fretboard strats?
i love maple fretboards- if Ibanez makes more of them, i'll buy 8)

as for Fender- i told myself not to invest in any more maple, but i haven't come across a rosewood model i like.
i love maple fretboards too, the look and the feel and the clarity!

but too bad ibanez has very few maple fretboards. i think only the PGM and the discontinued rg450?