Gallery 2006

Nothing special,just a Mexican stratocaster.
Bought it off the last Swee Lee sale,used to have problems with it.
Now it plays great.Hahahaha..






Can't help it,I love Malmsteen.
Restrung it wrongly in the first pic,the E strings shouldn't be in the retainer right?Learnt my mistake I guess.Hahahaha..

Swapping pickups soon maybe.

Yeah that's about it.
waha, you coil your string so many rounds up there..

And yea its a nice, never knew such big trem can fit there.. used to see a claw cavity like ibanez..
worldwithoutlines : Your low and high E strings should go around the outside of the string tree screws. Dun worry, they won't jump off the tree and hurt themselves.
cool cool jaguar . . .

anyway .10 strings are consider heavy string? Used to thought they are suppose to be light, .0 extra light and so on, cause im using .11 most of the time, using .12 acoustic strings now. My action wasnt very low as well, mainly because i get choke easily if i bend 12th fret and below :lol: interesting jaguar. Where did you get it from? Im getting really interested, esp the ones with block inlays. Im still debating to get ibanez iceman ic400 or jaquar
I love big headstocks like Paulo's 70s reissue strat :P Cool psychedelic Hendrix gigbag too!

crozzfire: Wahahaha! The jags are mine and mine only! You can't play em unless you flip them over *lol*

shreddedsweeper: I got my block inlay Jag from They don't handle international sales though (they don't even reply to english emails!). I got someone in Japan to help me purchase and ship it over. I think for right-handed people, there are a couple more Japanese online stores that sell right-handed Jaguars with block inlays, like and

As for the strings, I guess it's subjective to what's heavy...basically, the Jaguar is a shortscale guitar and .10 will feel like .09 on it,, you can put heavier strings there without much discomfort in playing. Ibanez Icemans are basically humbucker-equipped guitars and sonically, are worlds apart from Fender Jaguars. So, do research more on what exactly you want before taking the leap, yah? :)
was going to...but the guy was like so unhappy to i didnt bother..anyway..1 of the burny lp there is the same colour as my ibanez artcore below..haha..was thinking of adding it to my collection..collect all turqoise colour guitars..haha