Gallery 2006

Righty ho here we go:

Boss footswitch:

Behringer footswitch:


First-class electronic On/Off switch for noise-free operation. Haha. This guys are funny.

Boss style pots:

Behringer pots:

Boss style jacks (I didn't have any handy so here's one from the internet:

Behringer jacks:

Here's the Behringer chorus put back together (I broke the switch cover. Not on purpose. That means accidently. Yah 8O )

Notice that the pots are connected to the board, but NOT TO THE ENCLOSURE. This means if you wiggle it a lot, eventually the pot will break off the board. Or the plastic shaft might break. Whichever is faster.

I'd say this behringer line is okaaaaay if you just leave it on all the time and only on one setting. If you stomp and unstomp, twiddle twiddle twist and fiddle it probably won't last.

Now where's that guy that told me all the parts are the same cos they all come from china :?:
someone told me that Behringer pedals would last if you do not operate them by foot- just use your fingers & push gently :lol:
hi guys, here's a pic of me latest guitar purchase: a MIM Jimmy Vaughn strat. Love that v-profile neck and the hot Tex-mex pickups (no-load tone control for the middle pickup, can really rock)

Oh yeah, those Tex-Mex rock man. Plug that into a great tube amp and it has a really vintage groove to it. Great buy man. :D
Lovely purchase.

The JV strat features a heavier trem block from the MIM Standard offerings, which some say is better and sustains more.
hah i use to have that JV strat in candy red, i hated the tex mex pickups way too hot for me heheh. ok anywayz just to ask around a bit, the MIM strats used to be poplar are they now alder or still mainly poplar?
thanks for the comments guys. i'm really pleased with it cos not many strats have the v-profile neck besides the EC sig model (but i'm not keen on lace sensors)
if the stock PUs are good, keep them. i'm still keeping my Highway1's single coils, despite everyone saying they are under-par.
ciel21 said:
hah i use to have that JV strat in candy red, i hated the tex mex pickups way too hot for me heheh. ok anywayz just to ask around a bit, the MIM strats used to be poplar are they now alder or still mainly poplar?

MIM are alder now, no long poplar

Do you know that Digitech pedals are also using similar type of footswitch as the Behringer ones? Interesting eh?
Yep I know. I opened up my bad monkey and noticed. Luckily I seldom step on it. It's my always on pedal.

It looks like the switching mechanism and battery compartment all that for behringer was based on the digitech pedals. Unfortunately they did it quite badly. The plastic breaks quite easily as evident in my chorus.

Ooo omg i forgot to add about the chorus. It's not a stereo chorus. Behringer 'cleverly' placed 2 outputs. But one is wet(chorused) and one is dry(normal sound). It's utter rubbish.