Gallery 2006

Ibanez's Edge Pros with that Cosmo finish ... well... the finish has very very poor resistance. Rubs off fast (yes, it rubs off) and then the chrome beneath will bubble and peel. Its like so. Nothing to be done, unless you did it at the beginning. Which woudl be to lacqueer the important point of contacts.
my new setup. :) happy man...:)

wah.. nice nice.. i tried one at tiet too.. first impression is very grainy and crunchy sounds.. is it alittle too big for home use??
hehe thanks all.

i spoke to janet and she said tak boleh sell separately, but i spoke to uncle (big boss man) and he said ok. hehe.

was playing it till midnight last night. from 8pm till 11pm the master volume was around 3. individual channel volumes between 3-4. after 11pm i lowered it to 1 becos my wife came out and said she dun wanna see police tomorrow morning. keke.

my impressions off hand are that it is very versatile. the crunch channel and ultra channel do have different characters. i thought they might sound the same. heh. only gripe is footswitch can't switch the 'fat' controls. but yah, in office now. i miss my amp oredi. keke.