Gallery 2006

Haha they came out with

While I was doing the finishing touches on

It was quite a moment when I opened a magazine and saw it :lol:
Edo was laughing about it too heh.
It's glossy like in these pics:


The picture with the vanhalenish paintjob wasn't glossy becuase I had not applied the clearcoat yet.
here's my 2 fav axe for now....


its a craftsman les paul (fitted wit emg 81/89)


epiphone explorer. (change the pick guard to stripe metal plate and move the toggle switch to the back)

btw mr blueark, how much do u charge if i wana get that pedal?
hehehehe thnx. sori bout the poor quality photos. i paste a sticker on it. cheap guitar mah no prob. oh ya mr blueark, went to ur website oerdi. cleared all my doubts. will contact u soon to rehouse an sd-1. thnx.
Heh the SD1 bypass giving you problems issit? It's notorious for the overdrive bleeding into the clean. Alright gimmie a pm or email and we'll discuss.
darkness fury... i got the explorer sticker from a bike shop. it comes in a set. u could c another sticker om the head stock. the l.p sticker is from bugis market. got a shop sumwer in the middle of the market selling stickers for cars....