I was a fuzz addict... Si Fuzz Faces, Germ fuzz faces, various flavourings of the Big Muff, hybrid designs (e.g. Skreddy Screwdriver), musical odd-ball fuzzes (e.g. Trotsky drive, Jordan bosstone) and even the not-so-musical kinds (Fuzz factory, Devi stuff).
Tried going the whole vintage vibed, authentic stuff... but it didn't make me tick. I don't care if it was vintage spec-ed or what, though I appreciate it's rarity and peculiar (and oft-times, spectacular) tones. The inability to use buffered effects before (and sometimes after) was a serious flaw + many a time, I found that the vintage units sound best when their
volume is driving the amp. Sounds really good then but it's too loud for a HDB Flat Dweller.
As it is right now, I just find the bare minimum - I dig a good Silicon FF, a good germ FF and a nice Muff. That's it... and I got them in Retroman's Sybil (
click for high gain sound clip) and EHX's Germ4 Big Muff. How close they are to the real-deal-authentic-vintage tones - I don't care as long as they inspire me fingers.
An tweakable but safe fuzz to recommend is
Subdecay's Flying Tomato (
click for my sound clip). It has bass and treble controls + a switchable buffer (to handle wahs and other buffers). Very useful, toneful and safe. No weird squealing here.
Right now, I'm gassing for a PTD Mini-Bone. THAT was impressive... not only in sounding great and feeling good, it WORKED even on the low B of my 7 string. One day I'll try out Malcolm's with my 8 string...