fitness and softies

Wanna decrease you metabolism? Here's an idea. (though not confirm will work)

People have been told that eating less but more frequently (eg. small portion, 5-7 meals a day) would help then INCREASE their metabolism.
So, if you wanna DECREASE it,why not try the opposite? Large portions but less frequent meals.
i dunno if the reverse can work for metabolism... but it should be able to work for HUNGER. when the interval between meals get bigger... you get hungrier (duh). but the hungrier you get, the more likely that you will eat to satisfy your hunger AND BEYOND (over eat)

if you want to eat less, don't let youself go hungry. eat before you get too hungry and stop before you feel full. because the sensation of fullness is delayed, and by then you would have eaten too much

i did weights on thursday and yesterday. can really feel the ache now. dunno whether cumulative. i did mostly upper body (search for V shape lol). any tips for speedy recovery time?
^try an ice bath =D the elites seem to do it alot after a hard workout.

I did try it after one of my runs (16km ish) and my muscles didnt seem to ache (as much) the next day. well, i don't exactly have a bath tub. I just dumped a lot of ice into a big pail, add water, then soak my feet in them. haha. maybe you can try that for your arms and back?
sounds 'cool' man

hey i heard something like that before. something like at football clubs they have 2 baths, 1 for hot and another for cold
My advise is to run AFTER doing weights/strength/resistance training.
Cardio exercises will leave you feeling so exhausted that any resistance/strength training done after it will not be fully beneficial because you're not giving it your full 100% effort.

Btw, I hate using weights. I prefer to use my own body weight as resistance. haha

Usually I run about 2km (on threadmill - takes me about 11-12 mins ).. cool down for 10mins & then I do weights (machine, smith & bench)... I take it as a warm up.
Been doing that routine for months...
nothing wrong with using your own bodyweight, but you will hit a plateau after a certain level. thats when you need to start doing weights

but of course it depends on your personal goals, not everyone wishes to (or is able to for that matter) achieve a bodybuilder's size
My advise is to run AFTER doing weights/strength/resistance training.
Cardio exercises will leave you feeling so exhausted that any resistance/strength training done after it will not be fully beneficial because you're not giving it your full 100% effort.

Btw, I hate using weights. I prefer to use my own body weight as resistance. haha

Yes running after gym means that you are working on already depleted glycogen stores whih in turn means you will be burning fat more effectively than compared to running after gym.

Doing weight training with proper nutrition means that you put on quality mass = muscle which in turn results to increased metabolism = more calories burned at rest.

Oh and marc you can come down to yishun gym if you want, but mornings la =) i dont mind helping.

Yes running after gym means that you are working on already depleted glycogen stores whih in turn means you will be burning fat more effectively than compared to running after gym.

Doing weight training with proper nutrition means that you put on quality mass = muscle which in turn results to increased metabolism = more calories burned at rest.

Oh and marc you can come down to yishun gym if you want, but mornings la =) i dont mind helping.

that motivates me to pump even harder man... searching for lean muscle mass. cutting the fat away is a bigger challenge for me than gaining muscle. depends on your body type
Good to hear shinobi! =) just rmb to keep the calories low and eat right. Dont starve. Many silly people do that and lose tons of weight only to become fatter later on... EH i need yishun gym kaki la.
"Location: East". not north sorry dude.

i dont like to run long distance lah very sian. sometimes i listen to prog rock on the run cos their songs are damn long. but anyway, has anyone tried a HIIT (high intensity interval training) routine? supposed to be a fat buster
^I do. =)
8x800m repeats. 6x1000m. All done at 5km-race-pace. With recovery about half of the interval time. My shins and ankle feel so painful after that. But what to do? Just suck it up ah.
You're right about it being a fat buster/burner workout. Higher intensity = more calories burnt.
When you're training at that speed, you're more prone to getting injuries. You gotta have a strong running base before you embark on intervals, so that your likelihood of getting injuries are reduced.
those are sick intervals. but judging by your display pic it must be quite normal for you :D

abit apprehensive about sprinting. i injured one of my hamstrings (twice) a couple of months back playing competitive sports and i dont think it ever properly rehabilitated. the second time was because i came back too early. underestimated the seriousness. now i can jog and do weights but sprinting might still be an issue
I wanna do a full split ;D

According to a particularly psycho taekwando (or wushu, or judo) instructor my friend once had, the split must be forced. Basically, you attempt it and then someone pushes you all the way....and then there'll be a crack

don't try it.

maybe yoga might help.
now i can jog and do weights but sprinting might still be an issue

Do not confuse interval training with sprinting. I learnt that the hard way. =P
Sprinting is an all out effort.
Interval training, on the other hand, is just running fast, while your body is at the lactate threshold, just below your anaerobic zone.

And no, the intervals I do are hellish. There's NEVER a pain free interval session. No pain no gain!! =D
According to a particularly psycho taekwando (or wushu, or judo) instructor my friend once had, the split must be forced. Basically, you attempt it and then someone pushes you all the way....and then there'll be a crack

don't try it.

maybe yoga might help.
i had to do splits before. did tkd in NS. what crack??? omg... splits need to be forced but it is also a very long process. it could take years. and you will have to endure sore and stiff muscles for most of your days. but i dunno, maybe it helps you in bed

sleepykitty said:
Interval training, on the other hand, is just running fast, while your body is at the lactate threshold, just below your anaerobic zone.

how do you know where your anaerobic zone is? so its more like the 30:60 running in the army i guess
yup yup very similar to 30:60s

Kitty take it easy yeah. Your body needs time to adapt. You could possibly have shin splints ( micro fractures on the tibia due to tibial flexing while you run)
If you don't allow your body enough time to remodel your bones to cope with the new stresses you place on them you could end up with a fracture.
What's 30:60s? (i haven't been in army, yet)

Anaerobic zone is around 80% to 90% of your max heart rate per minute. Many people use heart rate monitors to help them determine whether they've reach the zone or not.
But for poor people (like myself), just go by feel or count your HR for 30 secs and then multiply by two.

Yeap, I allow myself 48 hours to recover after interval sessions. Rest is as important or more important than training =)
30:60 is a kind of interval run, 30s walk 60s run sort of thing.

i have been doing bench presses on the smith machine since ns, and only recently started doing bench presses using the bar. needless to say my balance was very poor and it hampered the weight that i could lift

anyone care to share their weights routine?