fitness and softies

wtf full split.

anyway i'm fatttt now too la fck. tore my mcl and acl while playing soccer for my church. need op. it hurts so bad when i run.
i carry laptop to sch in my bag

my shoulder hurts for months

i hunch alot now

carry guitar when playing makes my shoulder worst.

i used to run every morning wif my sis long time bck....
then during ns, kena like crazy at task force. fit eh!!!

then after ns till now die. nvr run nvr exercise.
beer belly liao... lucky no reservist.

but ah... thinking of losing weight... still got my old clothes... miss wearing them.

any1 here do free training? :p
i oso never get callup never hear any shit. looks like i will be heading in that direction.... NO!!
i, for one, dont envy you. maybe you can try to eat more carbo and high calorie stuff? i dont know heh.
i, for one, dont envy you. maybe you can try to eat more carbo and high calorie stuff? i dont know heh.

Haha, risky leh eating high calorie stuff. A lot of skinny people die of heart attacks due to high calorie in-take! Obesity just means a higher chance of getting heart attacks but it doesn;t mean thin is totally safe from it either.

I'm just gonna eat moderately healthy food and wait for my metabolism to slow down. =)
Haha, risky leh eating high calorie stuff. A lot of skinny people die of heart attacks due to high calorie in-take! Obesity just means a higher chance of getting heart attacks but it doesn;t mean thin is totally safe from it either.

I'm just gonna eat moderately healthy food and wait for my metabolism to slow down. =)

Wanna decrease you metabolism? Here's an idea. (though not confirm will work)

People have been told that eating less but more frequently (eg. small portion, 5-7 meals a day) would help then INCREASE their metabolism.
So, if you wanna DECREASE it,why not try the opposite? Large portions but less frequent meals.
it's when you have some time with yourself..
then you realise you pee.

that's when you know that you have low metabolism.
Actually anything works if u put your effort, time, persistence. Every body have their own opinions.

Example: You want to become the best policeman (Sherlock Holmes etc) or the worst criminal (Al Capone, Hitler etc.). You just got to be with those people in that profession and copy what they do. Another example is about our choice of music genre, instruments, and music idol. There's no right or no wrong.

And I too have my own opinion on health too:
I'm not those who wish to achive those big body builder like body. My Idols :Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee. Small in package but fit. I want to buy my clothing anywhere and not those specialize XL drawpants. I'ld like to be physically fit but not too big.
I'ld like not to depend too much on those body building supplement. I only pop in regulalry those essential Vitamins A,C,E, multi Vits, Calciums

I did have two experience from health itself:
1. Initial start in Feb 2000, weight was 84kg, then few months later I was 68kg, reservist IPPT: Gold. I managed to keep around this weight till 2004,. Where I had unhealthy lifestyle: Too much work, Too many Fast Food and snacks. Night meals, and lesser exercise. Until recently
2. 2nd Attempt I started Jul 2007 (weight was 95kg) till now (weight is 81 kg) and still decreasing:

My secret for both weight loss attempt and be fit at the same time:
1. Run at 6am, Body weight exercise (My favourite: Pull up varieties), gym workouts at 10am (Whenever I can go, usually 3 times or more per week)
2. and my meals consist of plain water throughout the day and eat only around 5pm to 7pm. 3. Swallow consistetly, my favourite vitamins that has been effective in giving me the essentials.

Just my own opinion. Oh ya and I'm a drummer
soo, who can be my gym assistant for free after my o levels??? i wanna gain some weight, some muscle, and get my fitness back...