fitness and softies

Heh play soccer like 2 times a wk 90 mins at a go. Play in central midfield so lots of running as u might guess. I still tip the scales at 83kg tho :)
i got a question for all the gym rats, do you run before or after doing weights?

My advise is to run AFTER doing weights/strength/resistance training.
Cardio exercises will leave you feeling so exhausted that any resistance/strength training done after it will not be fully beneficial because you're not giving it your full 100% effort.

Btw, I hate using weights. I prefer to use my own body weight as resistance. haha
any kind softie would wanna introduce me to the world of fitness????

im simply said a blur sotong when it comes to buffing up.

what does resistance/cardio and all that stuff u guys are talking about????

i was once a young and fit boy but after i got my appendix removed, im certain the doctor gave me eating pills and i became a Boncit guy... i lost my six pack i had to have and im always the one bullied when i was in primary 6 being the only one who cannot catch my friends in the game of catching....

and i always managed to get gold for napha on primary 1 to 3 but always score a bronze from primary 3 to sec 4... oh sec 4 i failed coz i can't do one bloody pull up...

right now im not so fat not so thin but many people said that i lost alot of weight... im quite tall tho, about 1.78m tall...

if you fit rats don't mind, could u kind enough to be my trainer?? i'll be commited to gaining back my fitness and try my hardest... :D after my exams that is...
i have high metabolism too,
used to dig tennis,squash. then i enter NS, cleared IPPT and thats it, unit life is too hectic for any fitness related activities. I used to force myself to go for regular runs meet the IPPT gold timing, that was when i was doing shift duty, not anymore...
any kind softie would wanna introduce me to the world of fitness????

im simply said a blur sotong when it comes to buffing up.

what does resistance/cardio and all that stuff u guys are talking about????

i was once a young and fit boy but after i got my appendix removed, im certain the doctor gave me eating pills and i became a Boncit guy... i lost my six pack i had to have and im always the one bullied when i was in primary 6 being the only one who cannot catch my friends in the game of catching....

and i always managed to get gold for napha on primary 1 to 3 but always score a bronze from primary 3 to sec 4... oh sec 4 i failed coz i can't do one bloody pull up...

right now im not so fat not so thin but many people said that i lost alot of weight... im quite tall tho, about 1.78m tall...

if you fit rats don't mind, could u kind enough to be my trainer?? i'll be commited to gaining back my fitness and try my hardest... :D after my exams that is...

Haha bro what do you want to know about getting fit? I can try and help.
But personal trainer ah.. only if you live in bedok. Haha.

Cardio = heart, hence cardio exercises is anything that gets the heart pumping fast.
It could be anything from running, soccer, tennis, swimming etc

Resistance/Strength training is what will make you more visually appealing to chicks (or guys ah, if that is your orientation you gayboy you.. =D ) It involves using weights like dumbbells/barbells and all those fancy yet intimidating equipment you see in the gym.
If you hate going to the gym (like me), you can also do strength/resistance using your own body weight. Things like push-ups (all 7 varieties), pull-ups (6 varieties), sit-ups all use your own body weight as resistance. Doing them in their various varieties would help to shape your body better.
bro sleepykitty... will u be my personal trainer?? hehehe.. i live in tampines, quite near lah to bedok... i only went to the tampines gym once and never came back...

anyways thanks for the insight... :D... i wanna look like thomas lang (the most appealing drummer in the business thus far that i know of)...

not to appeal guys lah appeal girls lah... hahaha God created man and woman for a reason...

even basic items like your electrical socket has female and male jacks... :D

u need a hole and a stick to work something. :D
where got dirty... hahaha well i have no intentions of making it dirty, but God the almighty and the all-knowing made Life that way...

u male (power chord) jack and a female (electric socket) so that ur item fits in it so that u can turn the power on to play whatever u want... and there's also different kind of male and female jacks...

and thats also why the north and north pole repels and the north and south pole attracts!!! thats the basics of human life, opposite sex attract!!!

gays and lesbians have been existant since the prophet nuh time (if i remember correctly)... and God punished them... (Read the holy Qur'an to know more). :D

ok i stop now hahaha..
that's quite a narrow minded view don't you think? do you define your gender and your sexuality entirely based on your physical body? if you were born without certain parts, would you no longer be male or female? what if you lost those parts halfway in life?

gender identity is more than just your body, and human beings are more complicated than stick and socket.
yes im not a psychology.... and yes the human is a very complicated being....

that's why only God can determine anything in this very earth... we can only plan it...
that's quite a narrow minded view don't you think? do you define your gender and your sexuality entirely based on your physical body? if you were born without certain parts, would you no longer be male or female? what if you lost those parts halfway in life?

gender identity is more than just your body, and human beings are more complicated than stick and socket.

if you lost it halfway, you're either a tranny.

or it was an accident and you're still considered that certain gender.

and if you were born without those certain parts, there would certainly be a gender for you still.

the parts confirm your gender.
well,there are other things in your body also proves your gender.
your mind f*cks up your sexuality.

cause you know yourself...if shlongs were supposed to be rubbed against each other...and the assh0le is for sexual activities...there wouldn't be STDs nor AIDS coming from unnatural relationships.
Any psycho taken part in Ironman before?

Not that I have but I hold great respect for all who complete it
i used to run every morning wif my sis long time bck....
then during ns, kena like crazy at task force. fit eh!!!

then after ns till now die. nvr run nvr exercise.
beer belly liao... lucky no reservist.

but ah... thinking of losing weight... still got my old clothes... miss wearing them.

any1 here do free training? :p
I think i really need help sial. I'm currently 15 this year, 55kg and 17xcm. I eat 1+1/2 to 2 bowl of rice everyday but just can't get fat >_< Anyone know what i need to do and how many times of it i need to do to get fat and get muscular? What food can make my arm fatter? And oh ya! How to make my leg flexible? I wanna do a full split ;D