female guitarist?

w3nlong said:
Vaiyen said:
Shred dead? Not exactly. Shred dropped out of the mainstream in the 90s, when Nirvana popularized the 'anti-technique' movement.

8O my nomination for post of the year...


i think theres something terrible wrong with that post , just my oppinion.
its wrong to stereotype the whole generation as " all you have to do is detune, and bang away on one-finger chords. Most people who don't play solos cant play solos. And they put down guitar solos to make themselves feel better about their inadequecies. " Even most mainstream bands dont do that!

i dont understand why people judge the song by its solos. I mean solo is just an extra thing. if you have it its good for u, if u dont , its ok. Its better to have a short solo or NO solo at all , than to have a long shredding solo that spoils the flow of the song(imo open your eyes), I mean like look at a perfect circle! most if not all of their songs do not have solos at all! And besides they do detune alot, and they no less than awesome. Dave grohl once said. "through kurt, we see the beauty of music stripped down"

Shredding was a thing of the past, undeniably its popularity is fading. You guys had ur time, now its time to retire gracefully.

sorry for drifting off topic...

oh ya.. i prefer female bassists to guitarists.
i know a few gals who play drums n guitars. but not all of them are reli serious into it..... i once watch an all gal band in a malaysia gig. they reli reli can bring the guys down with their style,playing n showmanship. spore need more gals like them...

anyone got contacts for a female bassist?
my band needs one..... muz be able to slap n be creativity. is not shy, gd communication and no prob with showmanship.band with mixed concept of style n songs.
pm me ya........
my firend is a female bassist... and i'm a felame guitarist... uhh... whats up with the intrest in female bassists? they're bassists too... haha...
yeah...what's the x-factor of female bassist?

Is it the "vroom" factor of seeing the fairer sex wielding a huge axe?? or the strong fingers?

actually i think how intense the sex appeal affects us still depends on whether the girl looks "feminine" .... or pretty...
pretty girls playing bass are HOT.......
esp when they wear mango...

oh my god... *system overload* *fatal error* *blink*
I'd prefer demure ladies, maybe classy...elegant...

Fits the role of keyboards, or a serious guitarist (not punker)
Girls on drums are ferocious...lol...especially if they play punk/metal/prog
I'm neutral to bass players.

For those feminist zealots out there, when I say demure and classy, I don't mean it in those subservient/chauvanistic way. Better make myself clear here.
Sorry to the other readers of this thread for digressing again..but I have to reply to his rebuttal :)

dreampolice let me address your argument point by point....

"i think theres something terrible wrong with that post , just my oppinion.
its wrong to stereotype the whole generation as " all you have to do is detune, and bang away on one-finger chords. Most people who don't play solos cant play solos. And they put down guitar solos to make themselves feel better about their inadequecies. " Even most mainstream bands dont do that!"

I apologize for not making myself as clear as I should have...but what I meant to say was that a significant proportion of kids were brought up on bad guitar-playing, and look up to bad guitar-playing. I am sorry that I came across as stereotyping a generation.

"i dont understand why people judge the song by its solos. I mean solo is just an extra thing. if you have it its good for u, if u dont , its ok. Its better to have a short solo or NO solo at all , than to have a long shredding solo that spoils the flow of the song(imo open your eyes)"

It's better to have a fiery, melodic and soulful solo than a short solo or no solo at all.

"I mean like look at a perfect circle! most if not all of their songs do not have solos at all! And besides they do detune alot, and they no less than awesome. Dave grohl once said. "through kurt, we see the beauty of music stripped down"

No argument with that. I agree that there are some great bands that came out in the 90s. Nirvana and APC being two of them. And no one is judging a song by its solo. Stop being over-sensitive.

"Shredding was a thing of the past, undeniably its popularity is fading. You guys had ur time, now its time to retire gracefully."

Not really. Why would sales-driven, mainstream bands like Alterbridge, Slipknot and The Darkness be attemping to solo if that was the case? Why would the latest G3 tour be the most successful yet? All these proves that shred, or at least technical guitar playing, is on the upswing.
The way I see it, regarding this "shredder-mania" arguement

There's really 2 ways to see it:

1) Guitar as an instrument
Most songs uses the guitar just as an instrument. It helps the tone, the timbre of the song. It helps in expression of the song. Whether there is a solo or not, it doesn't matter. As long as it can carry the song well.

2) Guitarist as a musician
As a musician, one would strive to be a master in his art. Shredding is just a term for playing fast and precise. Many maestros can shred on their classical guitars. Most musicians will strive to reach a level of proficiency; not in shredding, but for mastery over their instruments.

Its every guitar artist to achieve both, failing the 2nd, achieving the 1st is also commendable. Bands like slipknot, G3, although popular, they are not mainstream pop. Bands like darkness are better, but then again, their focus is not in guitar solos, but the energy in the 70s 80s sound.

So, the discussion on shred is way off, the focus has always been in good music and good music-manship.
yeah...what's the x-factor of female bassist?

Is it the "vroom" factor of seeing the fairer sex wielding a huge axe?? or the strong fingers?


It's like how men dig women who can do men stuffs like playing the guitar, bass etc...

and how women dig men who can do women stuffs like cook etc...

really strange LOL :twisted:

i know i dig girls who can play the guitar, bass, drum, pool, billiard well. :twisted:

Check this girl, Prisa, in youtube

an indonesian (neighbour country, so quite near, hahah) girl, and on top of that, a SHREDDER!


She plays in my band as a rock guitarist as well as a session guitarist for many chinese pop music event.
I separate business and leisure, I therefore do not care whether a guitarist is male or female, I am more concerned with his/her playing abilities, and whether or not I like what he/she plays
i think theres something terrible wrong with that post , just my oppinion.
its wrong to stereotype the whole generation as " all you have to do is detune, and bang away on one-finger chords. Most people who don't play solos cant play solos. And they put down guitar solos to make themselves feel better about their inadequecies. " Even most mainstream bands dont do that!

i dont understand why people judge the song by its solos. I mean solo is just an extra thing. if you have it its good for u, if u dont , its ok. Its better to have a short solo or NO solo at all , than to have a long shredding solo that spoils the flow of the song(imo open your eyes), I mean like look at a perfect circle! most if not all of their songs do not have solos at all! And besides they do detune alot, and they no less than awesome. Dave grohl once said. "through kurt, we see the beauty of music stripped down"

Shredding was a thing of the past, undeniably its popularity is fading. You guys had ur time, now its time to retire gracefully.

sorry for drifting off topic...

oh ya.. i prefer female bassists to guitarists.

shredding, a thing of the past? i really beg to differ. although it is true that in the 90's shred guitar sort of took a back seat, it is definitely making a, some might say strong, comeback.

apart from the above-mentioned names, we must not omit the ever-so-louder metal movement that has been gaining more and more fans everyday. Lamb of God, Trivium, hell, even A7X introduce big guitar solos to the new generation, and you know what, people like it!

but i have to agree with you on the purpose of solo (hopefully we are at the same page here) that guitar solo is by itself a tool to bring a song further and not the centre of the song itself, of course with the exceptions of instrumental guitar (muso metal) and blues guitarists of which solos are ways to express themselves fully in musical term. (and maybe more, please help me add here)

and for your statement that 'Its better to have a short solo or NO solo at all', u will be surprised by the number of people who actually hum along the long solo part of their favourite songs. why? because these solos are done beautifully, they bring the songs further.

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