female guitarist?

Atee, yeh, you posted earlier in this thread. Cool stuff too. v.talented

surely you're not the only girl in this forum? why are the girls so quiet?
Seriously speaking, I have a great deal of respect for serious female guitarist who plays the guitar well and has a good grasp of theory knowledge.

I was @ UK for holiday sometime back and saw Ash playing live on TV. Charlotte Hatherly (hope got the spelling correct) was in the band and it was a real great show. She was using a Gibson SG and looked real kick-a$s. :mrgreen:
Juz saw the JEM Nation pic, think the pic with the lefty girl and the black SG looks cool. Think she may have fans now.


PS: Can't wait for Vai to arrive
Eh?? i checked out the jam nation pics and i saw this leftie girl , with a black SG and playing it leftie...isnt that like fore'd?

yo fored is that you?...
just curious...
ChanMin said:
Eh?? i checked out the jam nation pics and i saw this leftie girl , with a black SG and playing it leftie...isnt that like fore'd?

yo fored is that you?...
just curious...

jam nation? i wasn't in it hahaha. i'd like to see who it is though.
haha .. but really quite coincidental... same guitar same way of playing...

btw anyone knows any female electric guitar players , or keyboardists who have decent gear... and solid playing skills... im thinking of forming a new band playing chinese music... the english way \m/ .... with funk and rock influences... maybe abit prog rock... so need them to be proficient... oh yah drummers too...
what ever lah dhaliff ... or was it Dhaliffina ..you sexy kitten you.
when can i start my lessons?... i need lessons!!!! really!!!
help me.
Amy Speace - www.amyspeace.com

Lennon - www.lennononline.com

Emily Zuzik - www.emilyzuzik.com

Bethany Dick - www.bethanyrecords.com

Eddie Ojeda & Jay Jay French - www.twistedsister.com

Meredith DiMenna - www.thesaucers.com

Ali Handal - www.alihandal.com

Joan Osborne - www.joanosborne.com

Gretchen Wilson - www.gretchenwilson.com

Jonda - www.jondakisses.com

Gail Ann Dorsey - www.gailanndorsey.com

The Drive - www.thedrive.info

Yvette Nelson - www.yvettenelson.com
(dont be shocked if you see a supermodel sign, navigate to "Sexy Souvenirs" midway you will see her album. Click on the little CD icon to listen to it. phew... got to explain or else you say i am promoting ...)

From the www.epiphone.com 2005 calendar 8)
Back in 94, i had this local female student, Pierce is her name - her rendition of Megadeth's Symphony of Destruction solos was awesome, with the agressive touch n gripping. There! a female shredder for u. Now she's jamming with a underground death-metal band - her riffing speed is awesome. 8)
can't i have a preference for what race of girls i prefer??? the world is too politically correct nowadays...*grumbles*