female guitarist?

Female Guitarist

It won’t be a bit of exaggeration to say that the heavy metal music scene is a male dominated one. Right from the inception of heavy metal, when bands like Black Sabbath took music to a darker alley, ninty per cent of the crowd is male. Even today, every metal show you land up on, you are bound to find a much skewed male – female ratio in favor of the male.

Please follow the link: http://www.totallyguitars.com
it's rare to actually see a famale guitarist in singapore. majority of the guitarist i know are all male, in fact all of them are males. it would be cool to get to know some female guitarist. anyway, even if there are female guitarist in singapore, i can't help wondering what kind of music they play. this is not a sexist comment, and if i sounded like one, i apologise. i'm just entertaining my curiousity... :)

really? there are plenty of female guitarists out there, and really good ones too!
im a female guitarist and i play rock and metal. I havent met many female guitarists who like to play these genres, but if you see this, gimme a shoutout yo!
im a girl!!! im new to guitar (just bought my guitar yesterday) and im looking for female guitar friends! :D
well, not just female friends but yeah, anyone that plays guitar or are willing to share some guitar experience with me!

female guitarist, lots of them
plays metal, rare mobs XD

i have acouple of female frens who play guitar
but i think 70% of them plays acoustic, strumming to pop songs

check out syltramon (Aurigami's front woman)

she does a kick ass 1 woman accoustic show at Acid Bar every Friday from 730pm

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