female guitarist?


New member
it's rare to actually see a famale guitarist in singapore. majority of the guitarist i know are all male, in fact all of them are males. it would be cool to get to know some female guitarist. anyway, even if there are female guitarist in singapore, i can't help wondering what kind of music they play. this is not a sexist comment, and if i sounded like one, i apologise. i'm just entertaining my curiousity... :)
man, thats sounds desperate :D anyway, female guitarist or bassist are out there, there are some local bands fronted by female too(no name, look, search around yourself, wont want to make this thread into a sleazy one) Theres even a all female death metal band around our shore.
i've seen this before...

anyway. i'm female, and i'm rather dedicated to guitar. hoping to make it big one day haha. been playing since august '02. yep.
hey atee

Just checked out your songs at http://fored.dmusic.com/. Good effort man ... emmm .. i meant 'girl'!

atee said:
i've seen this before...

anyway. i'm female, and i'm rather dedicated to guitar. hoping to make it big one day haha. been playing since august '02. yep.
i'm a female guitarist.. unfortunately i don't have a band.. i enjoy playing punk/rock and some nu-metal.. actually, anything that grabs my fancy..
heh..curiosity entertained? hahah :0) :D
I seldom see female guitarist shred like Vai, plays the blue like bb king and duck walk like chuck berry. But i only see female guitarist play like the blink 182 kid. So do female guitarist know how to solo? Not sarcasm... 8)
marshall_law said:
I seldom see female guitarist shred like Vai, plays the blue like bb king and duck walk like chuck berry. But i only see female guitarist play like the blink 182 kid. So do female guitarist know how to solo? Not sarcasm... 8)

That's pretty much an insult to female guitarists tbh. Not knowing any female guitarist who can solo doesn't mean female guitarists can't solo. That's generalization. Which is bad. Very bad.
Hey, i'm not insulting woman. I'm just asking is there any female guitarist out there that can solo. Every female guitarist i've met can't solo. So i just wish that there is some female guitarist can solo. And did you read my last sentence? :evil:
Dont worry about it, I only meant it in a lighthearted way.

And the fact that it isn't sarcasm worries me even more. Haha.

Honestly I don't know of any female guitarists who are good either(including myself), but i've heard of this local 3-member all-girls band that plays some fusion jazz or something like that, and that they were pretty good. Haven't seen them though.

And one should consider the proportion of girls who play guitar to guys. Like lefties to righties. You don't see many lefties who are good and famous. Maybe Hendrix. Cobain. Iommi. A few others. Then it just stops there. There are lots more righties who are worshipped. Does that mean lefties can't play?

Definitely not.

Ok... first things first... atee is one hell of a good guitarist... she is also a leftie who plays the god damn six string while it is strung in the normal right handed way... NOT AN EASY TASK MIND U!!! and her improvisation... DAMN HENDRIX MAN!!! how'd i know? haha... simple...
The band EVERNEW/GLIMPSE is all u need to hear and see if u wanna see a true female guitarist at her work... plus... i'm with her in this band too!!! dedictation is wat she has...
playing guitar on left hand is like playing tennis using ur left hand, the learning curve can be quite hard, but it will be a norm for u eventually.

oh yea i think girls are better known at bass than guitars. female bassists made the grunge revolution possible( The breeders, the pixies, sonic youth, smashing pumpkins)
hifi_killer said:
playing guitar on left hand is like playing tennis using ur left hand, the learning curve can be quite hard, but it will be a norm for u eventually.

oh yea i think girls are better known at bass than guitars. female bassists made the grunge revolution possible( The breeders, the pixies, sonic youth, smashing pumpkins)

I'm left handed and i play the guitar the normal way... i don't find it hard at all (i'm not boasting or whatever)

I think girls are better at instruments that provide melody for a piece for music. For example, violin, harp, piano and some wind instruments. Most of my female friends who play instruments well are these instruments.

Actually i'm quite amazed at atee, she knows guitarist like hendrix and iommi. Most of the female guitarist i know only know linkin park, blink 182, sum 41 and other poser punk rock and nu metal bands.

If you want solo, listen to older stuffs. Most of the female guitarist i teach doesn't want to listen to my advice. They only want to play powerchords and paint their fingernails black. So i do not teach my female friends guitar anymore. And i notice that most girls like to keep their fingernails long and polish and they're reluctant to cut it. I find it hard to teach girls guitar...
Haha... Tok abt female shredders...

Micheal Jackson's band line-up as a damn solid female shredder...can't rem her name, but she wears leather and a face mask, and shreds like a monster!!

There's a video of her....she was here the last time the king of pop was here.
I once knew a female classical guitar player, who can play the hardest latin classical songs...classical gas and even tchaikovsky's "nut cracker suite" where it requires left hand tapping plus right hand melody playing at the same time... very "fierce"...impressed n respect...

Din get to catch her name though!!! regrets!!! I wish I know more cool female guitarists!
guitar_phreak said:
Din get to catch her name though!!! regrets!!! I wish I know more cool female guitarists!

This is what i want. There is too many useless powerchords strumming punk guy and i want to show them a girl can do better. I've been searching high and low for a girl that can solo.
Bahh... who cares about femal guitarists overseas? There are tonnes of great girl-guitarist out there. I'll bet a lot of them don't even tell people they play coz... well, us guys are the only ones that need to show off! :D

What I wanna know is how many girls are on this forum! c'mon girls, Roll call.

(oh and just for the record, I'm left-handed and play the right-handed way - maybe us lefties should start a band).