Ebenex Music welcomes Beez !

Agreed. Ebenex is a nice place.friendly atmosphere albeit the small space.But its cosy though.Went there last month for the first time. Tried a few effects and finally got mysely the t-rex bass juice. Both staff were very friendly.(Im not sure if thats you David. Whats the younger guy's name btw?) +1 to the staffs compared to "Other" places u now where the staffs are either cold, uncooperative or mindful to the customers needs. Ur doing a good job guys. Keep it up. Btw is beez busy? I wanna send my bass in for some minor servicing.
i would suppose i'm friendly enough. kind of enjoy chatting about gear etc. with you guys.

anyway, we sell mostly effects so there is no need for such a large place.

new stock in - pigtronix, protone, mks pedalboards, boss dn-2, ml-2, fz-5, mxr gt-od, radial trimode. you guys can come by to try (and hopefully buy) if you are interested.

we will be holding a workshop with soundwaves multimedia (time to be confirmed) on the 24th to showcase their range of effects i.e. t-rex, gig-fx, pigtronix, protone, j everman etc.

lets make the softie gathering around say 5-8pm? ill buy some drinks (no alcohol) for you guys.

james, want to come?

p.s. no alcohol for beez or any of our staff until after operating hours i.e 8pm - company policy

staff currently working:

david, ian, rudi and beez - do send your guitars in for servicing/repairs anytime.
5pm - 8pm? Awesome.

But I'll hop by @ 1-ish pm lah... i think. Hehehe.

Pigtronix eh? Echolution? Got not? That one I would blindfolded buy dammit!
pedaltrain would most likely be coming in 1st week April. So sorry guys. I've been chasing them almost daily but apparently, to no avail.

pigtronix is held by soundwaves. it will be best to contact gopu or sagaran if you have any special orders i.e. the echolution.

we are basically retailing these pigtronix, t-rex and j everman pedals for them

the soft gathering is def on - soundwaves will be conducting a workshop on that day.

more details to follow.


ebenex music
Soft Gathering @ Ebenex

Hi Guys,

As David mentioned, we will be there to showcase our range of products carried by Ebenex.

We will be glad to answer your questions and provide help in any way we can.

A number of products have arrived this week and a few more on the way!

Do lend us your support and see you guys on Saturday.

Thank You

Soundwaves Multimedia
oh yes ur sales are confidential, but i think subversion was ther there whole day... haha.. i saw him there...

yup my friend got that EHX metal muff..
back from there daoy..haha..guitar got "raped" by many people over the 2 days..haha..beez seems to love it too..haha...so lgad to see all the great guitarist gathering..and learning alot from them...
haha...great to see you here bro!...glad that u loved my LP..u can add me on msn if u want...we'll chat there!..love the finsih and colour of your Tokai!
I had a great time today too!
Shred: long time no see.
Just bought a few patch cables. tempted to get RC booster, but never.
thanks alot guys for making the effort to come down yesterday.

we sure enjoyed meeting up and chatting with you guys.

special thanks to djthugs for bringing those toy guitars down - they make the shop look even better.

we'll probably throw another gathering once the pedaltrains, rocktrons, red witch, noah's ark are in.

how about a monthly softie gathering at ebenex?

till next time.


ebenex music
haha..no problem with the guitars...its all good..at least now they are having a certain value rather then leaving them at home on my shelf..haha..i'll be there every weekend..haha...