dumbest thing a guitarist ever said to you

This happened during one of those 'after CCA sit around do nothing' sessions.

Me: Eh, "A" you can play guitar right. Show me something.
*hands "A" an acoustic guitar*
A: OK ah, I can play ah, got this song I learn before.
Me: OK, show me.
*A plays a few messy chords in horrible timing*
A: *stops* I dunno ah, forget to play already.
Me: Oh...what song was it?
A: *hesitant* Oops.
Me: Huh?
A: Oops I did it again.
Me: What?
A: Oops I did it again by Britney Spears.
Me: Oh...OK.....
A: It's a nice song right?
Me: Err...heh heh. I guess so.

*"A" proceeds to attempt to play the song again, this time with some singing. It was hard holding back my laughter*
someone has said this once to me...

his guitar is more sexier than my gf...

and in the end...they both fight....

morale of the story....

dont ever compare a guitar n ur lover hahaha
A: Hey look at my guitarist,man..this is how a true guitarist looks like!

(Focusing at B who's playing Speed Kills by Michael Angelo)

me: are u sure dat's a true guitarist? Nah..i dun play this kind of style..i play a more rhythmic progression, like blink 182..nicer sia..this guy plays like no melody! u're kidding me..

A: Ouh..(he looked down,coz he was actually trying to make me feel astounded showing his pro guitarist)

Few months later..

me: dude..let me meet B man..i want him to teach me!!

(aha..the B guy is teaching me now and damn lucky he didnt noe i insulted him long ago..lolz..paisey to d core!)
Ok..this one does not concern a guitarist,except me as the customer la..happened in swee lee..

(I picked up a les paul custom)

me: hey..sorry..can i get some help? Why is this gold hardware of the pickup cover faded?

salesperson: dun worry..dat can be repainted..(with a confident face)

me: no it cant..

salesperson: dat's why it's 50% discount..!

Wahh..wth?? lolz..i was gonna kill her sia..lucky it's an old story..ahahaha..
I ever overheard a fellow jammer said to his band member...

"Eh what chord is C#m?"

And i also got this one,..

"Bro, can i borrow a guitar STRIPE?"... ..yes, he said STRIPE!

And this one,...

"Can u sell me the guitar pick for free?"
I got something worse...my band player not in my band but joins us for jamming, i ask him to play a Em and his reply was "Is there such thing as Em?" ....
a friend once told me "Eh bro, I am convinced that my gibson (something something) accoustic picks up my distortion pedal MUCH better than my fender strat."

'eh how you prac alt picking?'

'eh how you prac this/that song?'

'eh how you prac ar?'

The last line ALWAYS pisses me off......how ar? LIKE THAT LAH!!!
In a jammin situation.. B4 a song
Question - What song u wanna play?
Answer - Anything can.
After !@#$%^&
Excuse - Aku belum cari lagu ni.
Schon - hahaha.. Good excuse, aku belum cari lagu ni..

Gonna try use this sentence to my band..


Impose penalties on errant band mates .. .... in my band perpetrators have to buy items ranging from old chung kee kari puff, teh halia or a six pack of tiger for the rest of us ...
that guy wanted so much to join our group, so no prizes for guessing the outcome, apart for having to pay for studio rental..:D
seeeing alot of those fan based local bands.. name i shant mention..

your only as good as your showmanship..

it doesnt matter if other bands is better.
just as long as you can do a better showmanship (play with your teeth, play guitar behind your back) your better.

it does not matter if your tone sucks or your playing was nto clear.

you can do that your better,

said by the guitarist who plays better...

i think he was mocking...

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