Well. I'm not sure about the legal side of things in this context. But i think playing drums in the daytime only is being considerate enough.
Its just like any other instrument. Surely we dont go chuggin "enter sandman" in the middle of the night.
well you know what... There's really this dude, that goes real loud on his kareoke machine all day. well in the afternoons mostly. I cant really do a tihs about him either.
I've got fren who cant play drums cos their neighbours complain
and the dude cant play drums after 5 !!! so ridiculous.
well, if a drumset is such a nuisance, i think there should be some sort of measures as to who can own one. but if anyone can buy one, why cant he just freely play it. maybe its twisted logic, or selfishness.
But how would i know whether my neighbour of all days is taking an afternoon nap or has his/her little baby grandson coming over, or even meditatin.
Thats why my advise to frummer is if you're paying for the set, just play it like you're suppose to.