Drums in HDB???

How many of you have drums?

  • Yes i have drums in other property

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I have two drummers in my neighbourhood. I'm fine because I support that, but I just wonder about the other neighbours, especially those living next door. So far so good, they are still rolling and clashing. Started pretty slow, but now improve quite a lot in about 9 months.

I have never heard of a licence needed for musical insruments in residents. The only licence is for public performances like 7-moon, temple, CCs function and of course HeartRock gigs....up to 10.30pm. 90 db is only a guide, it could be less, somewhere around 65 db I believe. So far the Police will act only on complaints and they don't bother whether the db is 65 or 90. As long as it disturbs the peace of the neighbourhood.

Be nice to your neighbours, be considerate and you'll have less problem.
Sabian Quiet tones are the perfect compliment to those who wants to bang their drums throughout the night without the fear of being kena complaint or watsoever.. Its the perfect solution actually.. I bought mine and have never regretted playing on them...

How's the feel??

Natural rebound.. Of course lah u don't expect the drums to sound naturally. Its basically muted but without loosing the feeling of hitting one.


Check it out at Swee Lee.. Forgotten already..

U have to but separate packs for the toms and cymbals though..

Invest in one and U will never regret...

And yes I do have a drumset right here in my room.

Its a Yamaha Stage Custom with Sabian cymbals and pearl dblpedals...

Give it a try.. U'll never know what U are missing.

ur neighbour will never know that U even have a drum.. :)
Haiz...she is still not budging. She die die wont have a drumset in this house. I talk to her about paddings/muffling stuff also no use.its as though these stuff are jux for us to buy and giv business to the companies...thats her perception at least. Once i told her abt these dude thats selling the muffling pads...HQ pads...she said " y do u think he is selling them!? sure quality )@#89 bla bla bla )*)@*# "...iznt it any diff from buying a second hand car!? walow eh...so freakin biased...i tink i can commit suicide to lack of creative expression... :evil:
Frummer said:
Haiz...she is still not budging. She die die wont have a drumset in this house. I talk to her about paddings/muffling stuff also no use.its as though these stuff are jux for us to buy and giv business to the companies...thats her perception at least. Once i told her abt these dude thats selling the muffling pads...HQ pads...she said " y do u think he is selling them!? sure quality )@#89 bla bla bla )*)@*# "...iznt it any diff from buying a second hand car!? walow eh...so freakin biased...i tink i can commit suicide to lack of creative expression... :evil:

Well, talk to her again seriously. Keep asking her again and again. :evil:

If she's still unconvinced, drag her to the shop. Show how quiet they can be with muffling pads, etc. Buy it with your own money. If you ask her for cash then it would discourage her. It would also show that you are really keen on buying a kit.

If she still won't budge, pretend to be really depressed or just buy a kit without her concern. :evil:
Pyro said:
Write a goodbye note and dissapear for a day. That would get her worried.

LoL that's pretty extreme, and it's bound to make matters worse.

I second Frozen's idea of dragging ya mom to the shop and show her. Since seeing is believing it should really convince her enough. Or you could suddenly be a sweet kid, do the housework and stuff, just to make her happy and increase those chances heh.
She obviously is just anyhow spouting nonsense. I believe she just doesnt want to pay for it. Cos it'll be the dumbest thing she'd ever do, if she's a housewife.

Imagine her buying a drumset and smack it right in the house. Her thought for the neighbours are obviously secondary. Her own peace definitely comes first.

well... if you'rea really so hard up then safe up for one yourself... or maybe share money with your bandmates to get a set put in someones house. Or find a space for yourself somewhere in your own home. The thing is you cant depend on your mum for music. It is the DEVIL!!! they all say

aiyah. consider many other factors again lah, llike why would you need a drumset at home when theres not enuf space for your band to come over to jam. Playing alone sure doesnt do much fun.
Self practice

My guitarist is gone on a break for exams...so the band is compromising with him and we have a load of a repetoire of songs to memorise...and i got nth to practice on. :cry: ( borrowing from a fren pedals...working on my left leg :wink: )

Well the idea about dragging ma parents around...been there done that...

Always...when i drag my parents into Music Plaza for example...just 10 seconds into the shop...she would run out n my dad wud chase her...-.-! ... my dad always lidat...dun hav his own script ( he always mumbles along wad my mum says...hes lyk not independant enuff ...hes gullible too... )...my moms reason for running out? Theres this malay saying abt a deer in a village. it means...shes not used to the environment...so ok its understandable...so i explain stuff to her...she wud go "ah...ah...ah..." ... den run out again -.-! ( Whereas if she goes Spotlight...we can spend hours there without her needing to explain to me anything -.-!!!!!!! )

I cant pay on my own...1) got no card....2) if got card oso she controls it ... 3) i jux deposited some of my money into the account which she takes care of...big mistake on my part ... :cry:

Perhaps 1 of you ADULT MUSICIANS explain to her man...i KNOW there is enough space in the house...shes just making it up...grrr *dies* :evil:
Write a letter to her and pass them to us to sign...hehe

Well, ask your mom why she won't let you have a kit then come up to the solution for her problem and make sure she listens. Keep bugging her...

Everytime you go out, say u're going to check out drum kits and drool over them. She might soften a bit.

Ask your dad's opinion. Since your dad is gullible, use that to your advantage. :evil: Get your dad to fight for your side of the argument.
LOL :lol:

Solutions all i gave oreayd...she doesnt giv a zit...

I say i go out wanna see drums...she locks me in the house n nags me abt my EZ link...damn it cant wait for tertiary card...

DAD...99.9% of the tym at home sleeping...on the football channel....10mins later....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZz :roll:
That's a sad life for a drummer man. Why don't you get the practice drums instead of the real thing? Ya know, the table based stuff.. might be the solution for the moment, even though the feel's absolutely shitty..
I hope you manage to convince ya folks to allow you to get that drumset soon man. I know the feeling of not having an instrument to practice on when you're feeling that NEED to do so. Reminds me of the time dad took away all my gear just because i flunked the prelims prior to the Os. That pretty much was hell. The worst i've been through thus far. Nevertheless, good luck in the persuation man!
lepids said:
just a question. u mentioned u r practising ur left leg... how? u go t bass drum practice pad?

borrow pedal from friend...put the pedal along the book cupboard under the com table...prac left leg as i use com... :cry:

PS: thx poo...ur concern is very much appreciated... :cry:
Frummer said:
borrow pedal from friend...put the pedal along the book cupboard under the com table...prac left leg as i use com... :cry:
hi frummer, if this could make you feel any better... when you finally can get your drumset, which i am sure you will one day soon, i am sure you will make a great drummer. normally if you have to wait that long for something you like, you will treasure it and practise real hard, making up for lost time, and make it to be amongst the best in the market! :smt023