Dear Frummer.
I understand ur difficulties.. The situation that U are in now is similar to those gifted friends of mine when I was studying in KL from Jan to April. Well, I was studying in a music school. Quite prestigious but very the $$$$$!!
In my class, which is the pre-foundation course, we had 8 drummers including me.. There was this guy who was very good.And I mean good, I asked him wats the reason he opt to join this class since he is that good.. The technique, the flair... all there..
U know wat's he's answer??
"I can only get to play the drums whenever I'm here or when I'm jamming. Owning a drum set costs a bomb.. ie Tama Swingstar = RM2350!!!! We can get a Rockstar set over here in Spore !!! Basically, the estimated amount for an individual to own a proper drumset with a decent cymbals would be around RM6000!!!! in Malaysia..Imagine this, A DW5000 single pedal costs RM1250!!! and thats not even a doublepedal.. In spore, we could get a double pedal much cheaper. Those are for the ppl who lives in KL. Then wat about those who lives in the villages?? I'm not saying that they couldn't afford it but its like a mindgame...
Sabian B8 pack costs around RM950...
Basic hi-hats, medium crash and a 20" ride..
At swee lee it costs around $SD400.. Correct me if I'm wrong ok.
There's not much of a difference if u were to do the arithmatic between these two numbers and all that depends on the currency rates.
But if u were to glance at the price, RM950!!!! U would be shocked right.. I mean, add RM50 and it would be RM1000.. but if u were to convert it to SD, it would be about the same.. So, u would think, "Yah, its better for me to go back to Spore and buy lah."
That is Us. Singaporeans.. But what about my those drummers in M'sia? Die, Die, Death, Kill also must but bcos they have no where else to go.. But what I'd observe is that becauseof the scarcity of the things that they wanted, once they got hold of it, it would be guarded more heavier than a girl would be guarding her virginity..
There's one guitarists from Sarawak, who flew all the way to Benteley just to buy a Fender Guitar, After paying it, took a cab to KLIA and took the next flight home. When He reached his village, the first thing he did was to proudly display his newly wed wife, the Fender strat to his buddies.. That made him the hottest bachelor in his village.. For us,a fender is just a fender. A brand of guitar that we know. In some parts of M'sia, getting a Fender for a guitarist would give U ranking that's even higher that the Sultan.
I understand ur difficulties man..Sometimes ur parents might not be happy with ur interest and all that. Maybe because of the expenditure needed, the situation might not be to their likings.. Even though U are facing such difficulties, don't GIVE UP!!!! Whenever got free time, go and praktis!!!
Hope U get ur drums ASAP man.. I wanna hear some postings over here..