Drums in HDB???

How many of you have drums?

  • Yes i have drums in other property

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perhaps wat u refer to as license is like how some auctions are held at hdbs and stuff.
i dun think it covers playing drums and such.
never have i come across such a thing..
den again i may be wrong
i remember i read a law which goes like not going over 90 decibels between 10am-10pm. another law which says we shouldn't disturb our neighbours also. but please dun quote me!! cos i thought i read something like this...
haha now can i quote U?hehehehe...90 decibels...how loud is that?

wah...if a resident makes as much noise n police comes after u ...the NEA CAN OSO TAKE actions as it is a breach of preace and disturbance in health insurance or smth! holy )(@*#)@(*#!!!

grrr :twisted:
Iyona87 said:
lol...just go studio practice alh

Expensive and inconvenient to do so man..

For those who have drums in HDBs, i really think the practice pads are a good investment. Well it applies to those living in pte property as well. You never know when a neighbour might decide to take it up and start bitching hehe.
Lol i just thought of a cheap cheap alternative to keep the noise level down. Take 2 lamps(shades act as crash/ride), 4 small pillows(snare + toms) and a cardboard box(bass drum) and put them together. You'll probably end up with a rotten lamp shade but hey, it'll work eh? :wink:
Gah! Hate it when people say that (not directed at ur mom though).

I've actually consulted the police post below my block and they mentioned that between 10odd am - 9odd pm, you aren't liable for any legal summons. best your nehbors can do is to complain, but they wouldn't be able to take you to court.

With that in mind, just be considerate to your neighbors or family by stopping in the evening when people are back else you might find yourself sueing the people around you for arson instead.
hmmm.. sorries, i think around 60 decibels from the site.

but anyway, true. u can play all u want in the afternoon. ur neighbours can only complain. it's a give and take situation i feel. we play in the afternoon and let them have some peace in the evening onwards. i think that's just fair. but oh well, some neighbours are just !@$@$EE%#Q!#$%!! kana complained for having my radio on too loud! how ridiculous can that get?!
Neoorigin said:
I've actually consulted the police post below my block.

even after showing my mum your post ( dun worry i scrolled down so she wudnt see the Gah!blabla part :lol: ) ... she still continues being stubborn and say dont dont wen i say its ok...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil:
well, you're paying for it or your mum paying for it?

If you're paying for it, you only need to worry about where to put it.
I mean, since when your mum says you cant play drums and you'll just quietly listen. Since when would anyone give a shit about the neighbours as long as we only play them in the Daytime.

okie maybe we live in different worlds. But yeah, thats what i do with my drumset. and i'm still having touble tuning it... its such a bitch
i think we all have to be considerate, musicians are supposed to live in 'harmony'. can you imagine if someone screams karaoke at your block all day long?
Well. I'm not sure about the legal side of things in this context. But i think playing drums in the daytime only is being considerate enough.

Its just like any other instrument. Surely we dont go chuggin "enter sandman" in the middle of the night.

well you know what... There's really this dude, that goes real loud on his kareoke machine all day. well in the afternoons mostly. I cant really do a tihs about him either.

I've got fren who cant play drums cos their neighbours complain
and the dude cant play drums after 5 !!! so ridiculous.

well, if a drumset is such a nuisance, i think there should be some sort of measures as to who can own one. but if anyone can buy one, why cant he just freely play it. maybe its twisted logic, or selfishness.

But how would i know whether my neighbour of all days is taking an afternoon nap or has his/her little baby grandson coming over, or even meditatin.

Thats why my advise to frummer is if you're paying for the set, just play it like you're suppose to.
Sabian Quiet Tones will do just nicely.. Like what it did to mine.
No noise, no complaints... Peace and Bliss..

But be prepared to fork out some medium size cash though..