Drum Xchange: Singapore Drummer Circle (ALL are welcome!!)

Asia Beat

Lewis Pragasam is in town. He is recording in my studio now. Had a one on one talk with him yesterday. It is strange that somehow you can feel how much of a music man he is, his vibe and all. Am truly honoured.

He taught me to use this alternate triplet sticking, amongst others which I got lost....


And a way to hit cymbals to make it sound bigger. Cant describe with words what he showed me. But for those who drop by the next time, I will show you what he told me, to the best of my ability of course.

He will be recording drums soon, gonna try and sneak in a camera to record, hope he is cool with it.

Drum clinic - will be great if he does but I aint gonna push it.
actorial said:
doublestrokesg: wad u sae do make sense huh...hmm...but heard that the traveller can oso change to the normal drum skin right? and the sound of it not that bad oso( what i read and heard lah ) tama stagestar is quite high ned for me i guess...wad is the price recently huh? the last seen price at swee lee i think is 800 + ? hmm....staying in HDB cause headache to drummer huh....hahah!!!

stagestar is for 630 last i saw at swee lee last 2 weeks...
Re: Asia Beat

He taught me to use this alternate triplet sticking, amongst others which I got lost....


Tis triplet pattern are from the drags and ruffs family. Yup, a mastery of tis pattern will work wonders especially in solos and technical grooves..
stagestar price dropped...haha! hope it drop more then i can get it...but daniel dun recommand me TAMA kits...not daniel chew....the other daniel i mean ^ ^ i think DW charmelon is a nice choice...can sway the toms around all this...hmm...but hope i got lobang for second hand...haha!! first handed kits are still too much for me now....hmmm.....

Thanks frummer for ur info :D

doublestorkesg: HDB = headache for drummer basically...hmm...true...haha! but i think there is always a way ba...is mesh head better or those kinda pads? and do bass have a big pad too ? :roll:
but daniel dun recommand me TAMA kits...not daniel chew....the other daniel i mean ^ ^
Haha, I think Mr. Daniel aka 'DNT' is anti Tama in general... He also vehemently advised me against getting Iron Cobras, thus I ended up buying his Pacifics. (Kidding DNT! :lol:)

but i think there is always a way ba...is mesh head better or those kinda pads? and do bass have a big pad too ?
Nth beats the real stuff... But like i said earlier, the Mesh heads give a more realistic feel compared to rubber pads. My gf's younger bro has a stagestar which he uses with the rubber pads. However, I don't rem it coming with a pad for the BD. But, I'm sure they have it! :)

Blissuicide: I think it's called a triplet paradiddle... Rem seeing it on a Max Roach transcript before.
Re: Asia Beat

Darren said:
Lewis Pragasam is in town.
Drum clinic - will be great if he does but I aint gonna push it.

Try it bro, at affordable rates and right timing, i think you'll be surprise at the turnout.

In que - me 01

Anymore? Wood Skin Shedders wish to add to the number? hahaha,me like real siak :oops: drop my magnifying goggles oredi.
Re: Asia Beat

blissuicide said:
He taught me to use this alternate triplet sticking, amongst others which I got lost....

Bro, IMHO, they are Six strokes rolls.
Many variations and stikin patterns can be applied tastefuly around the kit with those ammo.
Just my 02cents worth.
Yup it's a 6 stroke rudiment. RLLRRL. We were playing it during the exchange. Very common but useful rudiment I must say.
I don't think there's such a thing as tripleT paradiddle in standard rudiments. I assumed you meant triple in your previous post. LOL!
I use Jeff Queen's book, 'the next level', has all the hybrid rudiments you could ever want. Favourites are cheeses which are flam accents with diddles for accents.
hey...how come no one chat here le? finally got my kit set up...but position wise need some tips from u guys....can any one teach me how to upload photo here?

Plainsman: If u still rem the kevin who msg u, im the one ^ ^ so u rem me?
chewy said:
I don't think there's such a thing as tripleT paradiddle in standard rudiments. I assumed you meant triple in your previous post. LOL!

drummarbuah and chewy,

there IS a triple paradiddle in the rudiments.

(grade 4 ABRSM snare grade)

as for triplet paradiddle, i'd think you're referring to playing triplets in paradiddle form.