New member
Venue & Time: Boon Studio, Saturday, 29th October, 1 to 3pm
Attendees (did i miss out anyone by mistake?)
1. actorial
2. lombardo + 1 friend
4. yosh
5. mel80
6. wired
7. drummer-buah
8. frummer
9. 17wil
10. heartrocksingapore
11. soft
12. blissuicide
13. ahpek1
14. biz2020
15. chewy
16. ohfunk + 1 friend
18. daniel
19. jerry
20. ah boon
Softies that couldn't make it (please come for the next one!!
1. funkifized
2. turbochicken
3. spinkgrrl101
4. sunsetstone
5. ixora05
6. fgl
7. blurred
8. epk
9. lepids
10. rimshot
11. deonportnoy
hello fellow drummers,
it has been a long time since Sg Drummer's Circle last held a drum Exchange. To fill some of you in on the history, we used to hold drum exchanges quite often 3 years ago, usually with one of the more senior drummers being more of a mentor and teacher. The objective of the Exchange is like any other: to share ideas, techniques, how-to of drumming.
It has not been held regularly for awhile, some drummers have had increased work/family commitments, a couple have gone overseas to study.. but the the spirit is positive and we're all looking forward to catch up with each other and also to welcome more new drummers into the fold.
if you guys are interested to come join in the exchange, please kindly let me know and i'll coordinate with the rest, everyone is welcome the more the merrier!
the tentative date for the exchange is 29 oct, in the afternoon before simon phillips clinic (since its at 5pm, perhaps the exchange can be held from 2-4pm)
tentative venue if turnout is less (6-7 pple tops) is drum resource (nigel's place) and boon's new studio if there is enough people. The rates for boon new studio is $30 an hour, $50 for 2 hours. If we have 12 people coming, each one need only chip in $4.
warm regards and hope to see more fellow drummers there!
do feel free to drop by Singapore Drummers' Circle at too!
(if you see an ad, click on the 'No Thanks' button to proceed)
ps. to add, one of our regular senior drummer/moderators shahferi aka ah pek ( ) will be there, he'll try and get a few of the others to come along and guest too!
Attendees (did i miss out anyone by mistake?)
1. actorial
2. lombardo + 1 friend
4. yosh
5. mel80
6. wired
7. drummer-buah
8. frummer
9. 17wil
10. heartrocksingapore
11. soft
12. blissuicide
13. ahpek1
14. biz2020
15. chewy
16. ohfunk + 1 friend
18. daniel
19. jerry
20. ah boon
Softies that couldn't make it (please come for the next one!!

1. funkifized
2. turbochicken
3. spinkgrrl101
4. sunsetstone
5. ixora05
6. fgl
7. blurred
8. epk
9. lepids
10. rimshot
11. deonportnoy
hello fellow drummers,
it has been a long time since Sg Drummer's Circle last held a drum Exchange. To fill some of you in on the history, we used to hold drum exchanges quite often 3 years ago, usually with one of the more senior drummers being more of a mentor and teacher. The objective of the Exchange is like any other: to share ideas, techniques, how-to of drumming.
It has not been held regularly for awhile, some drummers have had increased work/family commitments, a couple have gone overseas to study.. but the the spirit is positive and we're all looking forward to catch up with each other and also to welcome more new drummers into the fold.
if you guys are interested to come join in the exchange, please kindly let me know and i'll coordinate with the rest, everyone is welcome the more the merrier!
the tentative date for the exchange is 29 oct, in the afternoon before simon phillips clinic (since its at 5pm, perhaps the exchange can be held from 2-4pm)
tentative venue if turnout is less (6-7 pple tops) is drum resource (nigel's place) and boon's new studio if there is enough people. The rates for boon new studio is $30 an hour, $50 for 2 hours. If we have 12 people coming, each one need only chip in $4.
warm regards and hope to see more fellow drummers there!
do feel free to drop by Singapore Drummers' Circle at too!
(if you see an ad, click on the 'No Thanks' button to proceed)
ps. to add, one of our regular senior drummer/moderators shahferi aka ah pek ( ) will be there, he'll try and get a few of the others to come along and guest too!