Drum Xchange: Singapore Drummer Circle (ALL are welcome!!)

alfe i still cant get off for that day but i am trying very very very hard to kill my boss......... will let u guys know asap if i can make

hey 17will =)

tentatively there are about 20 attendees right now, the charges shld be $50/2 hrs for the large studio, so it will be about $2.50 each person.

sunsetstone, ok bro... drop by if u can, call me or something yah?? (remember 12.15pm dhoby ghaut mrt or 1pm at boon!!!)
yeah come come!!! :D !!!!

c u all...... remember.... 12.15pm dhoby ghaut mrt - northeast control station

....or..... boon studio 1pm :lol:
ok, slowly moving my butt off the chair and get my legs walking towards Boon's.
today was great! i learned quite a lot although still a buit blur blur. looking forward to the nxt one!
and what's that guy with a shop one, Jerry isit? Where's his shop?
shy la... but SUPER DUPER TEMPTED SIAK!!!! THE DRUMSET!!! WAH LAO..shiny babe...... i regret arrr didn't get to touch...next time i dun so chicken already la..