Distorted Choices

Agree with madwerewolf, amp distortion is good but when u jam or perform, it maybe not that practical, as some of the amps don have footswitch (or was not provided) for switching channels. A DS-1 is cheap, best is to get it second hand (like that cheaper :) ) as there are quite a few available.
Depends la bro, tried that before, bt it still sounds "dirty" and when I trn it down more, my guitar becomes 'too soft' :)
Try this then bro ...what you need to do is tweak ya >> get you fav drive pedal set it on mid drive>unity gain =desired tone(not to bright), guitar full volume and crank the amp dist to taste ...now for that clean try turnig off your dirt pedal and roll down your guitar volume (please don't expect to be too clean (as its no longer rock & roll:D)...you try and let me know :wink:
woah thats lots of info...but a MOSFET? what does it do? sorry i'm kinda new to electric guitar...so i kinda need to know lots more about the versatility of pedals and such
Tonebone Classic

great tone, very tweakable, warm, clear, touch sensitive, cleans up well too wif vol knob...

(Shameless Spam: my Tonebone Classic's 4 sale...)

So y am i sellin' mine if its so gd..?
I got a trimode 8)
You can also have a pedal preamp and hook up directly to the amp's poweramp section, so you have everything at your feet.

rat 2 or the turbo rat, both sounds fantastic to me.


deucetone rat, where u can cascade the channels and get good lead tones.

i recommend the deucetone, cos it doubles as an overdrive pedal too :)

it's not exactly a distortion pedal, it CANT play metal for nuts, tt's why it's so good for overdrive-like lead tones.

then why not boss?

cos it says so on their website, "8 million compact pedals sold".

u want tone tt belongs to 7,999,999 ppl?

no offence to anyone, but how good can mods get?

rackmount-grade tone?

ala_carte said:
no offence to anyone, but how good can mods get?
rackmount-grade tone?

aiyah... mod cost how much only... rackmount effects sounds good meh?

I have 1 top of the line Ensoniq DP/2 rackmount and I still plug into my big muff most of the time.

A modded DS1 sounds like NIGHT and DAY vs a stock unit.

Modded pedals have their place lah and I must say. Anytime better than stock.
oh yar!!! i've always been thinking whats the diff between Distortion and Overdrive? i read in a mag that Overdrive keeps the tone but still got the rough sounds? am i right? any other differences?
thx for pointing that out...but i still need good pedals...heard the Rat pedal are kinda good...:D more recommendations please :D
the best solution is try it out!everyone needs a diff tone! the difference between the overdrive n the dist will b very clear when you try them both.. love both of them myself.. cant seems 2 get tired of clipping modules..
edder said:
Modded pedals have their place lah and I must say. Anytime better than stock.

Oh yeah. Definately.

Methinks, AEnimic, should just get a multifx unit to try stuff out lah. Who's with me?
+1 to the multi-FX suggestion.

however, he's hunting for a distortion variety- amp simulation will address this concern.
Or Tech21.

*Shameless advertising mode on*
Come come, buy my Sansamp Original. Lots of people say got good tone one... cheap cheap for it too.
*Shameless advertising mode off*
ShredCow said:
Or Tech21.

*Shameless advertising mode on*
Come come, buy my Sansamp Original. Lots of people say got good tone one... cheap cheap for it too.
*Shameless advertising mode off*

and a magic cord thrown in for free.. :wink: