Dimebag Darrel shot and killed!!!!

eee....haha...y is everyone quarelling...haha...nvm lar....stop...ahakz...better to practise ur guitar techniques....heeehee
jus top clarify things.. i din say gruel was a racist.. i was speaking of lizardking... so gruel.. i am cool.. but yea the man is still a legend whether u like it or not.. u see.. u cant please everyone... but at least have some respect for the music and other musicians arnd man... i can understand frm ur viewpoint.. but others feels differently.. oh ya gruel.. i noe u have ur stand.. and i respect tht.. but do feel for others... well anyways... i can believe tht u are feeling quite pissed.. but dude... rem music is the thing.. not the person... haha..
Ain't this cool???

Old time photos... Two of world's best guitarists hanging out together...

Why can't we be like them??



Note: These pictures were taken in 85.. Read Lars tributre to Dimebag.

Imagine James Hetfield and Dimebag together on stage chugging out riffs after riffs after riffs....

Man!! I'll go insane
gear_lover said:
gruel said:
haha! SINCE WHEN DID I SAY DIME WAS RACIST! haha lucyfer needs to learn to read. And for god's sake he was a junkie alcoholic who had little respect for authority. i say its about time someone put an end to him.

respect the authority?????????hahahha...with tat kind of country,who need to respect their authority????????wtf are u toking abt anw gruel????????who hate him so much as a musician and now u hate him for his personal life???????
hey fuck u man dont say tht wit dat kinda of country man!
Almost everyone important in rock and metal has paid his tributes to the legendary Dimebag. Literally hundreds from every subgenre. And even a certain Michelle Branch(!).
Just check out blabbermouth.net for all the tributes. Heatwarming to say the least.

Check out my little tribute too at http://ponderouspontifications.blogspot.com/
RIP dimebag darrell

dude even though i'm not big PANTERA fan. but dimebag's riffs still rips hell. not 1 can make such heavy aggresive music with da groove. u will always be remember as the MAN \m/....RIP
Vaiyen said:
Almost everyone important in rock and metal has paid his tributes to the legendary Dimebag. Literally hundreds from every subgenre. And even a certain Michelle Branch(!).
Just check out blabbermouth.net for all the tributes. Heatwarming to say the least.

Check out my little tribute too at http://ponderouspontifications.blogspot.com/

is the tribute written by u?
coz if im not mistaken i read tat b4?
sori if im not mistaken
wats up wif dave & kerry??

only noe dave mustaine was sack by metallica...but wats up wif kerry king & dave mustaine?? \m/
i tot dave mustaine says kerry king luks more like WWE wrestler den axeman :lol: not in2 kerry king's shredin solos, the amott bros & twin axe of in flames solos rips hell :twisted: but kerry king write gd songs & riffs \m/
wow. thumbs up to dave. i think dimebag's death has somehow caused everyone to really cherish what we have. i mean, everything was going fine for him. then boom! hes gone. i think it has caused some deep thinking in a lot of pple.