The official MetallicA thread.


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First things first. If you came here to slag metallica, get the fukk out of this thread! You have been warned.

O.K, so I'm a crazy tallica fan, and I know there are a few others like me so lets use this thread to talk about latest news, tours, pictures whatever.

A number of photos of the "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott art tribute "Six-String Masterpieces", which debuted late last month at Winter NAMM in Anaheim, California, have been posted online at

The "Six-String Masterpieces: The Dimebag Darrell Art Tribute" includes the following:

- A collection of 50 guitars, hand-painted by world-famous rock stars and internationally known modern artists, including members of METALLICA,ZOMBIE, DISTURBED.
- A charitable art auction to benefit a foundation dedicated to music, education and improving the lives of today’s youth.
- A travelling entertainment attraction hitting major U.S. markets in 2006.
- A highly-publicized tour that will feature an art opening party and VIP reception in each city attended by participating artists, press, celebrities and entertainment industry personel.

"Six-String Masterpieces: The Dimebag Darrell Art Tribute" debuted at Winter NAMM in Anaheim, California before heading off on tour to major U.S. markets. The guitars will be auctioned off with proceeds going to a foundation dedicated to furthering music education. - []



I'm assuming his little artwork represents the fact that guns cant kill metal, and killing our idols isnt going to stop the metal \m/


Check out this fantastic version "Orion" by Flamenco duo Rodrigo & Gabriela. This Metallica song was first released on the Master of Puppets album and is one of MEtallicas best instrumentals. This cover version will be featured on Rodrigo & Gabrielas forthcoming album due on February.

Mexican virtuoso acoustic guitar duo Rodrigo y Gabriela release their third album on March 13th on Rubyworks Records, and return to the UK with a string of live dates to support the release.

Metallica cover on next album “Rodrigo y Gabriela” is produced by John Leckie (Muse, Radiohead, My Morning Jacket) and the artistes themselves. It was recorded in the UK in the late summer of 2005, and features nine new tracks – seven Rod & Gab originals and two covers – Metallica’s “Orion” and Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway To Heaven”. All the instrumentation on the album comes from Rodrigo y Gabriela’s guitars

Rodrigo & Gabriela have already covered "One" in their previous live album and included a section of the middle solo of MoP in one of the songs as well as some metallichops here and there.


Interesting. doesnt sound too bad either.


Rumors continue to circulate that METALLICA have finally ended their working relationship with producer Bob Rock and are in talks with Rick Rubin (SYSTEM OF A DOWN, SLIPKNOT, SLAYER, AUDIOSLAVE, RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS) about producing the group's next effort, the follow-up to the much-maligned "St. Anger".

It was as far back as last October that the first rumblings of a METALLICA/Rubin collaboration reached BLABBERMOUTH.NET, and the rumors have been gaining strength ever since. Adding fuel to these reports is the fact that Rock is scheduled to spend a good portion of 2006 working on the new CD from MÖTLEY CRÜE, which is expected to surface sometime next year.

In a September 2005 interview with the METALLICA fan club magazine So What!, METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich was asked point-blank if Bob Rock's name had been discused for the group's next album.

"I would say that Bob Rock will always be our producer," Ulrich replied. "You know it's almost like default. It's not whether he should produce, it's more whether he shouldn't produce it. So I would expect Bob Rock to produce it unless he's not interested."

In the same interview, Ulrich spoke highly of the most recent albums by SLIPKNOT and SYSTEM OF A DOWN — both of which were produced by Rubin — citing them as particularly inspiring in terms of making him "look forward to paying a little more attention to the sonics" next time around.

METALLICA officially began the songwriting process for their new album late last year and are expected to spend the next few months compiling ideas before entering the final recording stage. A late 2006/early 2007 release via Warner Bros. is expected.

Aren't they on some escape the studio tour?

His drawing looks like it took 5 minutes or something, could've put in more effort for it though. But I really liked the idea behind the drawing.

And I really hope that they'll have more nice leads and addictive riffs in their new album.
I'm really looking forward to the next Metallica album. I'm just curious to see what the band will come up with this time around. And I really hope someone else will come in to produce the album cos Bob Rock has been with them for far too long. They need to get out of that comfort zone. I'd like to see if Rick Rubin (If he IS the producer) can push the band in another type of direction, and it'll be interesting if that can happen.
Cloudsky said:
Whats your fav metallica album? Mine's Ride the lightning.

To say the truth, i enjoy every album MetallicA put out. Except a little less liking for Load/Reload, St Anger, Garage Days etc...

Yeah, Ride The Lightning is my favourite album i could say. Fade To Black is the first song i ever listen from MetallicA, and ever since then, it has always been my favourite song.

To comment abit on the latest St Anger. My opinion is that the whole album is just noise, and lyrics that don't really make sense( if you take a peek at Unforgiven or Fade To Black you'll understand ). But sure, the album is terrible to the core. The live concert they performed with St Anger stuffs is sure amazing. I guess it's the steel snare that caused it, whereas Lars uses normal snares during live.
haha yeah FTB was my first song and i fell in love with 'tallica from it, but my fav album would have to be justice. I love every song on it. The solos, the riffs, everything.

I hope they ditch Bob aswell, Wouldnt mind them getting Rick, seeing as though he does Slayer and slayer have keopt their metal roots, so maybe if they get Rick, they will go back to their haydays, or atleast try to. I want solos now aswell. before when i wasnt a guitarist,. solos didnt bother me, now i listen to them and enjoy them.
I hate the st anger kit, bring back the Justice/tba kit anyday.

But have you seen SKOM? it looks at the lyric writing of st anger and you sorta see where its coming from.
I have a question to everyone.
This thing has always been on my mind.

Check out
Song: The Call Of Ktulu
Album: Ride The Lightning
Track: 8

Check out the parts at about 00:14

Listen carefully..

is there a mistake with the guitars?

Cause i was wondering, if you know how this song builds, it actually repeats the first part of intro. while the part of mistake 00:14 was never repeated, so i was wondering is it really mistake?
nitrovo said:
haha yeah FTB was my first song and i fell in love with 'tallica from it, but my fav album would have to be justice. I love every song on it. The solos, the riffs, everything.

I hope they ditch Bob aswell, Wouldnt mind them getting Rick, seeing as though he does Slayer and slayer have keopt their metal roots, so maybe if they get Rick, they will go back to their haydays, or atleast try to. I want solos now aswell. before when i wasnt a guitarist,. solos didnt bother me, now i listen to them and enjoy them.

justice is great, but there is a major problem to the album.
Thru interviews and my personal opinion, the bass parts couldn't be heard. :lol:
haha never noticed that. I wouldnt think its a mistake, probably a light pull off or something.

Few things you may not know, the slow intro of damage inc is infact Cliff.

and 6:35 of Orion is cliff again, even though alot of tabbers (guitarworld and that sorta thing) tab it as guitar.
Stairwaytoheaven said:
nitrovo said:
haha yeah FTB was my first song and i fell in love with 'tallica from it, but my fav album would have to be justice. I love every song on it. The solos, the riffs, everything.

I hope they ditch Bob aswell, Wouldnt mind them getting Rick, seeing as though he does Slayer and slayer have keopt their metal roots, so maybe if they get Rick, they will go back to their haydays, or atleast try to. I want solos now aswell. before when i wasnt a guitarist,. solos didnt bother me, now i listen to them and enjoy them.

justice is great, but there is a major problem to the album.
Thru interviews and my personal opinion, the bass parts couldn't be heard. :lol:

Yeah compared to puppets, the bass is alot lower but man, i dont give a shit becuase it sounds awesome and if you have a decent sub and turn it up, you get plenty of bass :P
nitrovo said:
haha never noticed that. I wouldnt think its a mistake, probably a light pull off or something.

Few things you may not know, the slow intro of damage inc is infact Cliff.

and 6:35 of Orion is cliff again, even though alot of tabbers (guitarworld and that sorta thing) tab it as guitar.

haha, i don't know... i think its a mistake, then again, it's a studio recording why would they allow mistakes? well i have absolutely no idea.. :lol:

Yeah, i know the orion part, the thing after kirk's solo is cliff's solo... that's just sad some people still think it's kirk doing the solo but in fact, cliff was actually behind it. if you ever tell this to someone who thinks its kirk, i bet he will be shock and left his jaw dropping.. :lol:
nitrovo said:
Stairwaytoheaven said:
nitrovo said:
haha yeah FTB was my first song and i fell in love with 'tallica from it, but my fav album would have to be justice. I love every song on it. The solos, the riffs, everything.

I hope they ditch Bob aswell, Wouldnt mind them getting Rick, seeing as though he does Slayer and slayer have keopt their metal roots, so maybe if they get Rick, they will go back to their haydays, or atleast try to. I want solos now aswell. before when i wasnt a guitarist,. solos didnt bother me, now i listen to them and enjoy them.

justice is great, but there is a major problem to the album.
Thru interviews and my personal opinion, the bass parts couldn't be heard. :lol:

Apparently MetallicA don't give a shit about Jason either. 8)
In my opnion, you can say its the same as what MetallicA feels, that no other bassist can replace Cliff. 8)

Yeah compared to puppets, the bass is alot lower but man, i dont give a shit becuase it sounds awesome and if you have a decent sub and turn it up, you get plenty of bass :P
Cliff was unique, a master, god if you will , of his instrument. He is an awesome player and he did alot for the band, and i'd have cliff over anyone else, but I just love jasons enthusiasm. I've got a few gigs of bootlegs and some dvd's and holy shit, does he go hard. best headbanger i've seen, he just puts everything he has when playing and it stands out and you can see, but cliff > jason in skills, but jasons just a mad bloke.
nitrovo said:
Cliff was unique, a master, god if you will , of his instrument. He is an awesome player and he did alot for the band, and i'd have cliff over anyone else, but I just love jasons enthusiasm. I've got a few gigs of bootlegs and some dvd's and holy shit, does he go hard. best headbanger i've seen, he just puts everything he has when playing and it stands out and you can see, but cliff > jason in skills, but jasons just a mad bloke.

can't compare in terms of skills, since cliff basically uses mainly his fingers while jason uses pick...

well i think cliff headbangs pretty mad too, check out cliff 'em all, when he plays for whom the bell tolls... he's hair is so silky and smooth from the way i see him headbang... kinda like he can do a shampoo ad... :lol:
I dunno about being silky and smooth, this is cliff we're talking about :P

Dont think he even cleaned his teeth after looking at some photos ive seen :P
Hey man, awesome thread. Orion sounds fucking cool and the pics are cool. About Rick Rubin - if you look on the site, there was something about him starting work with linkin park or some shitty band, and so I can assume that he won't be working with Metallica.

MY favorite album is the Black Album. The sheer brutal, balls-to-the-wall metal sound that album has..every snare drum hit is like a gun blowing somoneones head off. The wall of guitars..the riffs...heaven.
No mention of Kirk?
In my opinion, he is one helluva influence as well.

Anyway, any idea what James is screaming just before Kirk solos in MOP?
You should watch Kirk @ Live Sh*t Binge. He got bucktooth. I thought it was cute :wink:

Anywae, his licks/riffs/solos are awesome!! But in the Saint Anger album, the solos kinda got wiped out & the songs are mainly repetitions & repetitions of licks/riffs. I still prefer their earlier albums :supz: