Digitech Death Metal vs Digitech Metal Master

Hydesg said:
Destructos said:
Most decent online music shops that carry this distortion (more like dual tubed pre-amp) price it at USD$299+...

Have you viewed the video sample of the thing?
It's cool. :lol:

i saw the video
it sounds noisy
Yeah, can pick out the amp noise in the background, wonder if the amp itself at fault...
gsonique said:
Destructos >> do you own that pedal ?? Must be killer just looking at it !!

Lately metal bands are goin back to more screaming clarity compared to the down tuned low end chuga chuga type...The HM2 is pretty versatile...
NAW nonono... lol.
I'm a drummer.
And an electronics/electical enthusiast. Was doing some research on tubed distortion pedals that I could try putting together and stumbled onto the Demonizer. LOL
I like the sound of it, very much so. LOL

Currently modding my group's rhythm guitarist's Metalzone MT2, screaming clarity and pronounced tone coming right up!!
Just a hobbyist here. Besides, there's not much electronics when it comes to drums so the next best thing... well... I just can't leave the guitarists stuff alone. LOL :oops:

Also, regarding Demonizer's supposed "noisiness">> I believe this is because it's a mostly analogue system.
Most modern digital effects pedals tend to have a noise masking subsystem to "silence" itself and improve the signal to noise ratio. That's cool till it starts masking some of the signal itself, that's why 16-bit digital emulation systems tend to sound sucky.
While for the demonizer (in the video at least), the guy did a demonstration where the tone of the guitar still rings out even in heavy distortion mode while in the likes of an MT-2 where everything sounds nasal and muddled.
subversion said:
immaculate distortion comes from the amp itself.
The hum seems to get a tad louder when the guy boosted the pedal's input level to drive the tubes, perhaps it's the guitar or the pedal itself?

For amps, I found this nice page to guide amp owners on star-grounding conversion to silence the hum.

The guy who made the site seems to detest digital effects a lot and has the following link in his custom pedals page. LOL
True True....btw here is new addition ....


sound clips

go here scroll down for video
I dig death metal a lot...
But that's like... literal... what with the coffin shaped packaging and all.

Maybe it was the recording equipment, but it didn't sound all that hard hitting to me.
Gonna scoot over to T-rex's site.
i find the demonizer's clips most impressive, especially sinc they changed the clips a while back.. the frist few were a bit unimpressive.. the t rex bloody mary on the other hand, is a tad too bassy and does not have the tightness.. it looks cool though and the coffin case thing is nice...

check out the demonizer's clips on pedalgeek and on the website.. will give u a better idea of what to expect...

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