Combined SOFT Jam No. 2


New member
Its been a long long long long time since the last SOFT jam. Remember it? :D Twas seriously fun and the thread lasted a LONG LONG time.

Many new members now.... so.... one more time. 8)

The AIM of this thread is to promote diversity and to open our eyes to the variety of players here in SOFT.

Here's a backing link:

If u wish to post ur solo....

Well okay, try not to listen first lah.

Do a solo and share it here in this thread... I'll comment on as many as I can and so should you - give your sincere opinions + advice.
Oops, haha guess I did.

Nice take shred. I thought overall it was great. The feel is pretty good and spot on for the type of song. I noticed you're generally weaker with playing slower stuff with respect to bends and overall feel, but for this sorta song it seems to be no problem. :)

I thought some of the notes in the first part don't really give a sense of direction (not musically incorrect). However from around 0:48 onwards, it fit the groove very nicely.

Nice, can't wait to hear from others. :D
not your best work dan :wink:

nuff said eh.... :lol: bah who cares abt criticism anyways....just take what u want and leave it at that :wink:

Basket... why u listen first? :lol: Are you still going to do your take dude? Please do!

Ugh, slow songs, I'm working on it... the whammy bar comes in incredibly useful for sustain-ed vibrato...

Yeap, the 1st part is off wack a little... not into the groove yet... it was the 1st take.
KX its great to hear from you. You've improved man! I like the vibe from start till 0:23 - amazing vibe! I liked the way you did your vibrato and the double stop nearing the 0:23 mark, excellent.

Eh, then after that you go Ferrari ah? 8O :lol: The sweeps sounded... wrong leh... :P Kind of lost ur footing a little nearing the end I find... Though, you kept a very cool kind of forceful vibe all the way - that be interesting.

I see you have gotten some killer tones in there too!
Mr Killinghall, rock is fine, rock is fine... 8)

I'll listen after I finish this assignment... thanks for posting!
wahh killinghall your touch is really really solid! dman power phrasing also. Wad gear did you use for htis recording. I used ax1500g into mic jack with my dk2m

i used the Gibson LP Studio, through in to the GT-8. I've always like the AX1500 - a real bang for buck for the effects it houses.
Glad to see a couple of players here developing there chops!

Couldn't say it better, this is KEY! A musician's journey never ends. :D

Finally got to hear your take killinghall, yeah, fat tone! And dude, that harmonic barrage @ 0:37 just cracked me up! It was so blatantly 80s that .. erm... it was blatantly 80s! :lol:
Very rock dude, very rock... good vibe and feel thru out, its quite an aggressive vibe eh?

I thought the 2nd chord of the "verse" progression really threw me off... frankly, didn't bother with what key and what scales to do, just kind of closed my eyes and hit it...
How did you guys go about composing/improvising?
for my case, i'm a poor improvisor so i can't start playing straight away. i listened to the track a few times to let my head generate some ideas on roughly what to play. den just click red button and hantam.

killinghall: ax is really the bang for the buck man!. was using gt8 before htis but no $$ so went for hte ax direction

"How did you guys go about composing/improvising?"

Actually I listened to the track twice to get a feel of it, noted the 'sections' and just went off...

I had this hazy (lydian?) riff in my head to put at the beginning so I just gave that a try - unfortunately it's still not totally what I wish to hear; there were more chromatic notes to be in there obviously. It's an improv so I didn't really bother to sit down and work the

My take has 3 parts; I'm sure you can see that. Part 2 (0:22) just deviates a bit from Part 1, buillding up to Part 3 (0:40) and then the whole thing dies down and ends in the most ridiculous way...

Can't say the whole thing was planned. It's a one-hour take and most of it is just silly improvising - the harmonic barrage is purely accidental and very MacAlpine - I just didn't know what to do at that point...

Also, I didn't have the stamina to go on and on without stopping so that's why are 3 parts...hahaha!

Cheers for posting the track! Gotta love the funk!


I would have done the same with the AX, I guess!