
You had to post that pic huh Cherns....

Been trying hard not to email you on a quote to change setup my pedalboard....[/quote]
I use Evidence Audio Lyric HG.

They make great speaker and instrument leads, very clear and balanced sound; minimal overtones.

Because of the stiff cabling and price, I dont use Lyric HG cables to cable a pedalboard, but perhaps their slightly cheaper Melody cables.

They were quite expensive but I had the chance to demo the cables at home before finally deciding on a purchaase.

Quite happy with the Klotz patch cables from Mr Misse as well. They performed within expectations.

I am curious about Zaolla cables but without a chance to demo them, I'll KIV any purchase for now.
Most cheap cables kinda muffle a wee bit and its pretty useful to tame shrills ....then some have a little more high end but and its pretty useful for that buffered feel.
Please avoid those that give too much clarity and sound thin .... very much useless!!

The best are those which are balanced, thus giving a nice feel using either clean or dirt .... this cable thingy can get a wee bit annoying ...i wish to ignore this cable thingy and just focus on makin music !! :(

Here are some info for those who bother ....

Cheers ... :D
wah lao i really damm pai seh.
i finally then see it right..
the cables i use are PROEL Noiseless Cables with Neutrix heads.
sry for the confusion =X
i use the cheap cables that city music sells. Been using them for more than a year with dozens of idiots stepping over them and it still works but i have a feeling it's gonna die on me like halfway...
Most cheap cables kinda muffle a wee bit and its pretty useful to tame shrills ....then some have a little more high end but and its pretty useful for that buffered feel.
Please avoid those that give too much clarity and sound thin .... very much useless!!

And which one gets my vote for sounding thin and brittle/harsh? Surprise surprise... Planet Waves.
I say belden cables, Im using them now and tone has arrived.I used to use canare and george L's by the way.Also, the soldering has to be good too, because at the end of the day, its all about reliability onstage. :D
ShredCow: And which one gets my vote for sounding thin and brittle/harsh? Surprise surprise... Planet Waves.

Woah, I actually think that Planet Waves' cable is anything but what you said, lol.
You gotta a/b them af... a/b them.

Then you'll know.

Planet Waves is quite a bright sounding cable... lows are cut out. It bright to the extent that it sounds brittle to my ears.

Dimarzios sound duller, but more full.
It took awhile, but here's a pic of the latest wood housings for my G&H plugs to come in :)


does wood on CABLES affect tone at all!! of course not!! lol...

yes, better ones are stiffer ones... i feel for cables, investing in one that can be abused yet still remains minty and works 100% fine is the best way to go...
the better ones are harder to press in- that is a true fact...
planetwaves is one of the many safe investments u can make...