Boutique Gear: When did you fall for them?

alamak, i speak my mind and now gotten accused of saying ppl here elitist tone knob :lol:

since that was mentioned, then i speak my mind again. Over here, ppl are too far from being elitist tone snobs...

anyway, boutique or non boutique, if it's didnt make music, it's just there to talk about on forums and feel happy for having it.

MrE said:
brundisium said:
most of the time, the not so well known product are only in here, but not other forums.

just an observation. No hard feeling :D

actually the way i read it, i think he is trying to imply that the ppl here are elitist tone snobs
edo83 said:
Great to see some active softies here now in this thread, at least know Shredcow isn't the only slut around town :lol:

Hehehe... we are one big family! :)

Yeah man... its great to see others around. Not alone not alone... 8)

Eh, whats your next buy man?

When my Screw Driver comes in, lets have another gear convention?
brundisium said:
alamak, i speak my mind and now gotten accused of saying ppl here elitist tone knob :lol:

since that was mentioned, then i speak my mind again. Over here, ppl are too far from being elitist tone snobs...

anyway, boutique or non boutique, if it's didnt make music, it's just there to talk about on forums and feel happy for having it.

Aiyo!!! What are you saying? :) I'm lost!
Still saving lah.....perhaps looking for something to topple my GT2 off the board? Also must get that phase90 done up ehehe

Lifehouse: add me on msn? Gotta ask u some stuffs bout the Box
Lifehouse said:
ShredCow said:
An echoczar. Thats a cool 600USD But if it truely rocks.. hehehehe...

Have not paid yet. Hehe. 6 - 9 months wait, I'm almost half way through so slowly save up.

Just received my Keeley Compressor (2 knobs). It's all good.

Hey, abt the Echoczar, there is an add on accessory right? Some angel thing? You intend to get that too I hope? So we can all come try it out. Hehehehehe

Ah, the Keeley Comp.... how do you like it? It apparently colours tone still, but its a very good comp.
sorry lah brundisium, i misunderstooded you

good that you speak your mind, just that i catch no ball... haha

all good yah. 8)
ShredCow said:
Eh, if you can afford Keeley and Tonebone, you can surely afford some of the boutique stuff! :) Do a search... or go to ...

Eh, the Barber Tonepress is something VERY cool. There's a vid of it in action, and it sounded superb!

What are your thoughts? Share lah. ;) eh? I'll check that out :wink:

As for thoughts on the barber tonepress, i think the ability to mix the dry uncompressed tone with the compressed one unleashes a lot possibilities. Interesting stuff like playing arpeggiated(sp?) chords with the dynamics of uncompressed tone but with the evenly spaced feel of a compressed sound. I honestly dont have any idea how that would sound like but i sure as hell would like to give it a try. :twisted: But i'm stopping myself from buying more pedals until i get myself a good tube amp. :)
I currently have only 2 pedals. I'm not really sure whether they can be even considered boutique to begin with, a tone bone classic and a voodoo labs analog chorus. I've got an RC Booster I'll be picking up next week. Next in line a wah, probably a clyde or an RMC and then a red witch moon phaser.

I'd like to add something. A liking for boutique pedals does not mean that I can't and won't appreciate your typical run off the mill day to day effects. I think that if you've been playing long enough to know what tone you're looking for then you should not compromise at all.

If you don't even know what tone you're looking for then I suggest just sticking to a plain amp and guitar setup. I've been a multi effects user for years, I only started this whole pedal rampage this year. Multi effects did the thing for me, but I always felt something was lacking from the sound I was getting.

Hence I looked to other means...which led me into the crazy vicious cycle of GAS.

Boutique wallet and you are arched enemies.
woooo..boooteekkkkkk. The pedals look really cool. Very DIY and some even look weirdly cool. Just to interupt abit. Any of you guys bumped into a delay/echo/reverb 3 in 1 bootek pedal or sumting? i've been in search for it for quite sum time... 8)
lifehouse:justin as in justin ho? i'm going to him tmr for the trial lesson thing.. maybe he would whip it out..

wizards:not sure what you're talking about but i know there's a delay,reverb,tremelo pedal.. some worms thing i think..

hmm.. is the keeley modded TS9 considered botiqeue? heard mix reviews about it.. about how its weak as a stand alone unit but when used to boost other pedals, its god :lol:
ShredCow, you ever heard of the Clay Jones overdrive? Only 50 ever made and he refuses to make anymore. TheGrooveKing recently bought 2 for US$900 each.


Check out these clips I have:

For other cool overdrives check out the Hermida Zendrive, Klon Centaur and the Crusack Screamer.
looks yummy, sounds yummier :D so smooth and creamy. yum yum. any webbies where i can get info to make my own pedals? seems interesting
hummm boooteeek

Am not much of a pedal slut as i prefer guitar to amp setup. But yeah my amp Rivera is considered booteek, entry level booteek amp. Its real sweet and well the finish n build quality of the amp is just superb and tts considering tt the amp is the entry level rivera amp. Am gassing for a booteek guitar next mabbe an anderson/suhr perhaps to complement my harem hehehe. GAS never ends...
strats said:
hmm.. is the keeley modded TS9 considered botiqeue? heard mix reviews about it.. about how its weak as a stand alone unit but when used to boost other pedals, its god :lol:

Well, first thing to note... Keeley mods his pedals to be used as boosters. He makes them sound as generic as possible...

Thats why when Randolf modded my DS1 last time (to keeley ULTRA specs) I didn't enjoy because it didn't sound DS1 anymore...

Its a matter of taste... its not a bad thing.. but just note. :)
blueark: Yes, the much hyped CJOD....Tomo Fujita uses 1 too. Then again, the limited quantity of 50 just jacks up the price way too much. It is just another flavor of the tonnes of OD variants out there, imho. Anyway the clips sound like Tomo too, was it him you got the clips from? Wicked rhythm chops and affable man i must say.

chimaera: how you doing dude, me looking at a PRS next anyone kindly buy the RG1550 from me to fund for my new guitar :?
i wonder if the Clay Jones overdrive is worth spending $900? Anyway TheGrooveKing has too much money for his own good...i'm sure most of you have seen his gear room 8O

In terms of OD pedals....i'm currently lusting after the menatone karkrash, Analogman silver TS9 and Xotics new BB preamp :D