Boutique Gear: When did you fall for them?

ciel, its an OD3 pedal aye? A lot of things out there can beat it. :P

imcorn, there's a limit to how much you wanna mod, as in just changing parts. Also, a stock Boss pedal modded, its still... sounds like a pedal. Its... stuck like that. Granted, there's no comparison between a good boutique pedal and a good Boss pedal, but like... grab the Crunchbox, Screwdriver or Blackstone, put it against any Boss pedal anyday, and you'll hear a big difference. Then again, its a totally unleveled playing field.
ciel21 said:
am just looking for a nice overdrive to swap out my boss now. after that the wah and fuzz is long term kinda thing not in the near future

Get the Blues Pro? I'm gassing for a Fuzz though.
no la im using an sd1, the od3 was the boost and is now off the board replaced by the RC.

SNUFF!! Why???, i never keep an eye on you, you run off and buy a looper???
you have one on the way!?
ShredCow said:
Zvex nanohead.... tonfactor analouge filter... Teese RMC3 Limited Edition... hmmmm...

i dont find the Tonefactor analogue filter that impressive... sounds very wah-like to me. and since you have your wah already, this would seem a bit extra :?
hey shred...

the zvex nanohead similar in functionality to the sansamp???(u know what im talkin bout)...except much juicier
bluepower, the Zvex nanohead IS a TUBE AMP head. It is not like the sansamp.

Dude, you have to read up more leh... and decide on something. You already know the tried and proven way, Sansamps. Sure, there might be something better out there, but the Sansamps are nifty stuff. You've been going this and that, this pedal that pedal.. i mean, you gotta make a decision and then learn from there.
better to ask than be sorry....sansamps maybe tried and proven but many people recomment a preamp DI box instead....which is why i was interested.... :D

besides i dun have the money to take a decision gonna keep searching