BIGSBY bridges


New member
Hey all, i was thinking about fixing a bigsby b70 bridge on my les paul. was wondering where to find one in singapore? help anyone?
Thanks for the mention, bigblackbear :)

I had a Casino with a Bigsby was already pre-installed. The next best person to ask would be dudelove! He bought the Bigsby and installed it on his LP.

So lets wait for dudelove to give his thoughts. :)
He bought it from the bay and got me to install it.

um, i did check out ebay, but i dont feel comfortable buying from ebay, because i did buy stuff and it never arrived. so locally, does anyone know where they sell?
Davis has a couple of bigsby type trems if you are ok with not getting an original bigsby

im actually picky, but i did call davis like, 3 secs ago and they told me that the bigsby style bridges are around 80. soooo, paying 80 and 300 plus is a big difference, when they can do the same job.

peeps who have bigsby can you tell me if it is a good trem compared to the ones at davis?
peeps who have bigsby can you tell me if it is a good trem compared to the ones at davis?

i have no idea how the trems at davis are but, u have to ask urself first, why do u want to put a bigsby onto ur guitar.

i actually put one on mainly for cosmetic reasons. i love how les pauls look with bigsbys, being a neil young fan also made me gas for one.

but after spending quite a large sum of money, it made my guitar look like a million bucks, it gave me more problems, which led to having to spend more money to try to solve those problems.

this thread summed up my problems:

further more, using a bigsby, will only get u very very subtle vibratos. pressing the bar all the way down will only get u at most one full step lowered only. and once u release it, ur guitar will probably go out of tune. that said, i still feel that subtle vibrato effect is the most natural sounding one compared to all other tremolo bridges i've tried. the closest being that custom trem on john petrucci's signature musicman. damn that thing is amazing..

i still dont think that purchase of mine was worth the money, i did something quite irreversible to my guitar, it looks great, goes out of tune still, sometimes. i honestly wouldnt recommend putting one on ur guitar.
i still dont think that purchase of mine was worth the money, i did something quite irreversible to my guitar, it looks great, goes out of tune still, sometimes. i honestly wouldnt recommend putting one on ur guitar.

hmm. ive read a few posts on various websites saying that if you're using the jade tuners they are not reliable and that they do go out of tune when using the bigsby. However, i still think les pauls with bigsbys look FREAKING AWESOME. sigh..a major dilemma. and since it is irreversible, its a hard choice.
sometimes the bigsby gives problems due to improper setup of the bigsby bar. i have a bigsby on my gretsch and it's working well. I dont have tuning instabilities. I dont think its about an original or not an original bigsby bar. It's about the installation of the bigsby and it has to be done correctly. take an original, install it wrongly and it will give you a set of issues as well.

very costly issues.
Why not get this instead?


Les Paul Florentine with Bigsby.:D
Why not get this instead?


Les Paul Florentine with Bigsby.:D

thats a BEAUTY! but no money. hahaha. i want that model of bigsby. so basically, if i get a professional (vincent mah) to install the bigsby, everything would be okay right?
thats a BEAUTY! but no money. hahaha. i want that model of bigsby. so basically, if i get a professional (vincent mah) to install the bigsby, everything would be okay right?

B7s should be quite safe. But you have to be careful with B5s if your LP body is chambered.
Good luck to your quest ! :-D