Beginners unite!

17th april sat 3pm citylink the underpass area ( or other timing or venue u suggest? )


u want to go just write your name
wow i click on this thread and i just realised that now.. its 1 year old!! haha exact date worx, so coincident..
What guitar god, i'm really horrible in my theory luh. Practice hard but no foundation also useless, sigh.
I wish i started guitar earlier. =(
Hi guys, new guitar player here. Just got a guitar yesterday :). Planning to do self-learning cos I have no time and money for lessons. By the way, I have zero music knowledge before this - can't read notes, can't tell notes apart from the sound, etc :).

Any self-taught players here can share some tips?
i cant seem to press down on the frets properly.. i can barely stretch out my 4 fingers to cover the first 4 frets on the first string. can't really do a G or C chord either. this is hard =(