Beginners unite!

haha! no la, I've played the acoustic and classical guitar before..

Speed kills is nice! Watched all 3 DVD already. But I couldn't find Speed Lives. Gosh
M.A.B tutorial is clear (to me at least), and I've printed out the tabs, so that I can practice.

In the past, I was just down down down down for my picking.

M.A.B teach alternate picking, very not use to it, but slowly picking it up already. Been practicing, 3rd day now.
Still very noob :( haha

I would love to learn things regarding soloes, such as tapping , shredding etc..
Yeah.. But no money for teaching seriously haha.
My pay just trash down to stupid bills, then remaining I used up to buy the pedal + a AmPlug, for me to play my electric guitar portable if I bring it out to play.
relax, its natural. alternate picking takes time if u're not used to it. when i first started using alternate picking it took me a few weeks to get used to it. btw nobody can teach u shredding lol. there's just no way to teach it. as for tapping, just hammer down on the fret with ur picking hand. :)
haha yeah. M.A.B got mention that alternate picking is the most difficult picking method.
In the past I find it difficult so I didn't learn too :\

Yeah, tapping kinda getting use to it. but can't make out good tapping sounds :x Learning some of the pentatonic scales currently also.
Shredding no way to teach? ._. then have to rely on myself ler haha.

Do you all learn guitar theory ?
haha! no la, I've played the acoustic and classical guitar before..

Speed kills is nice! Watched all 3 DVD already. But I couldn't find Speed Lives. Gosh
M.A.B tutorial is clear (to me at least), and I've printed out the tabs, so that I can practice.

In the past, I was just down down down down for my picking.

M.A.B teach alternate picking, very not use to it, but slowly picking it up already. Been practicing, 3rd day now.
Still very noob :( haha

I would love to learn things regarding soloes, such as tapping , shredding etc..
Yeah.. But no money for teaching seriously haha.
My pay just trash down to stupid bills, then remaining I used up to buy the pedal + a AmPlug, for me to play my electric guitar portable if I bring it out to play.

the tabs you have is it the 29 fret guitar version? if it is can I get from you?
Yes we learn music theory

eh, which tab you talking about? If it's Speed Kills 1 , 2 , 3 , the highest fret in the practice by M.A.B is only 22

eh, which tab you talking about? If it's Speed Kills 1 , 2 , 3 , the highest fret in the practice by M.A.B is only 22

you know got 1 youtube video got the speed kills he play no boundaries he use his special 29 fret guitar
haha yeah. M.A.B got mention that alternate picking is the most difficult picking method.
In the past I find it difficult so I didn't learn too :\

Yeah, tapping kinda getting use to it. but can't make out good tapping sounds :x Learning some of the pentatonic scales currently also.
Shredding no way to teach? ._. then have to rely on myself ler haha.

Do you all learn guitar theory ?

the hard part abt alternate picking is the upstroke on a new string. once u can get that down u've basically mastered alternate picking. practicing the 7 modes are a good way to practice alternate picking up and down the fretboard. or alternatively u can spam the exercises mike has in the vid. speed will come with time, and practice. once ur fingers get used to the shapes of the diff scales or modes, u'll gain speed and accuracy.

music theory got alot lol...can get a headache just learning chords -_-
yes I know. I wanna learn that version of No boundaries too, but sad to say I don't have it. I have the 22 fret version only.

Did M.A.B push up 1 octave or something?

Yup, the up stroke on a new string is a weird thing to me. Somehow got it already, have to pick up the speed slowly then.
M.A.B tremolo is so fast =.= Up to tempo 180 and I'm goner haha.

haha yeah, last time I got learn a bit of theory, how to form chords, finding the triads etc.
But I couldn't find suitable material to learn.. Plus, no money for lesson, and no time too.
this is my take on alt picking. your right hand just goes up and down try to go a bigger distances but not too big, so go up more go down more something like that it will be easier when u switch strings practise it until you get used to it then it's very easy already. the rest is just left hand, right hand is just up down nothing to think about so concentrate on the left hand.
Alternate picking is fine now already haha.
Alternative picking is another thing now!

Any website/book to recommend for guitar theory? I can self learn :]

I want to ask about tremolo also!
Do you guy practice tremolo as [1 2 3 4] or [1ena 2ena 3ena 4ena] ?
imho for theory it's best to get a teacher or someone to guide you.. in the past i've tried to pick it up myself but i must say it's very dry, and often the stuff on the web or books are erm.. how should i put it..
its just better to have someone cause reading the book is one thing, understanding it is another and to apply it is another another thing lol.. im sure most of the guys would agree music theory is a pretty hard thing to master..
ahh, i see i see..

then no choice le .. haha.. maybe save up money first i guess ..

Now waiting for NS also, letter haven't come. So will put all my time in practicing Speed Kills at the moment
hi-five bro.. im waiting for ns too haha if you dont mind wna practice together or something ? im also learning alil theory at the moment
haha, im only free on sunday full day, mon-sat im working till 7pm everyday lol!

I'm okay with practicing together, don't find me too lousy can already haha :x
oh im pretty much the same working on the weekdays sigh.. ever since i started work i've nvr really been able to practice.. reach home = drop dead
ya! working is so tiring, how I wish can just stick to my guitar and practice haha!
then again, no work, no money =.=

but at least I make it a must to practice minimum 1 hour a day eh ;) although not much, but at least i practice
is not about how long your practice is about how you practice, that is very important. As for theory wise, read up about scales 1st then modes and how are they linked, and then learn about chords how to construct them, then from there u can derive arpeggios. After which you can try to explore eg. Take a scale try change the notes here and there add notes , removes notes hear how it sounds if you like it remember it. Same with arpeggios u can change some notes add some notes. Then later u can move on to chord voicing, try to make 1 note of the chord louder then from there try to make a melody, your target is this, make a melody then instead of trying to play using 1 note , try using chords instead and make the 1 note of the melody louder you can try with diff chords and hear what sounds cool. Eg. a C note u can play with a C chord, A minor chord, F chord, D7 chord, D minor 7 chord, etc,etc, etc. And after which you can explore with chord inversions. For eg. instead of starting the C chord with a C note try start with an E note or G note. so you get C/E or C/G, hear how it sounds like and try make a melody out of it. You see learning theory is fun 1 thing leads to another, learning the concept may be dry but exploring on it is fun. These should keep you busy for quite some time. Read them up if you don't know on wikipedia. if don't know still just ask me :)