Before & After

neuro182 said:
More to come as I experiment with the sound, tone, switch etc.

Nice man!

Let me know if you wish to hear with some switching mods will do to your tone. I can demo quite a bit of stuff for you, or at least describe how it will sound so you can have less pain and more time to enjoy!

Oh, about the Gotoh push pull, available @ Davis, I do find them a little too filmsy, fragile feeling... an alternative that feels damn solid are Dimarzio pots from Swee Lee or online... very very good solid feel. And price to boot!
Well ok, here's mine:

Axe when it's still naked

First stickers on my guitar




After pickup change

Sticker change

Self custom pickguard change

New stickers getting on







And...the back of its headstock

Currently, that's it...the mod fest for this axe is coming to a last change to make and it's over...and a new one will come in!
strats said:
neuro where did you get the push pull switch?

I got it from Davis @ $10, then I send my guitar with the push-pull pot to Beez to let him do the job :wink:

I tink G77 also got bring in some pots/switches.

ShredCow said:
Let me know if you wish to hear with some switching mods will do to your tone. I can demo quite a bit of stuff for you, or at least describe how it will sound so you can have less pain and more time to enjoy!

Sure do.. I thinking of installing an extra on/off switch to toggle between series & parallel connection (since im using a pickguard & there is ample space underneath the guard for more mods, why not?). Just a qn : does parallel connection applies when the humbuckers are splitted?

DarknessFury: Let me guess - Seymour Duncan Distortion bridge pickup? Awesome looking punk rock guitar you got there!! :twisted:
Darknessfury: ur sticker guitar is damn cool la! It's punk all the way man.

I think ur guitar bea's flea's punk bass.
Fury: that sticker on the back of ur headstock is sick!!! where the heck do u find these stickers?!
Phil said:
I don't know how or why such things stick in my mind, but I think that sticker on the back of your headstock was once Mobius's avatar.

What the hell is it anyway?

Erm, it's a logo for Green Day's album Warning. It's not a sticker...I used marker to draw...
DarknessFury said:
Thanks neuro, =D The pickup's a JB

I had that in mind earlier, but I thought u might try out something lyk a Distortion bridge. I had & still have the JB, but its now inside my SZ320. Jazz neck, JB bridge - quite cliché uh?
whoo SL here i come then. waiting for my friend to other something from has, so i can just get my neck pickup while he's at it.
AzNjT, I got my stickies from bike and car sticker shops...they're all over the, yea...

Neuro, haha, I almost got the Distortion bridge...actually it was a really close toss up between the Distortion and the JB...but I went with the JB in the end 'coz some guy really sweet talked me into the JB, so that's how I ended up with it, haha...
ShredCow said:
Sure do.. I thinking of installing an extra on/off switch to toggle between series & parallel connection (since im using a pickguard & there is ample space underneath the guard for more mods, why not?). Just a qn : does parallel connection applies when the humbuckers are splitted?

Eh, your current push pull does what? Coil split?

To me, its really, either Coil Split OR parallel... Not both... they sound VERY similiar unless you know you will really really use them.

Series sounds the thickest with the most bass and mids, then parallel (quite a big drop) then coil split, progressively getting brighter and thinner.

Again, both coil split and parallel sound very similiar.


A neck pup, on a 22 fret guitar, when you coil split to the coil that is above the 24th fret harmonic, you get that sweeter, more hollowish kind of neck tone which is nice. So coil split there works better for me, I seldom use my parallel for neck.

For bridge hums, I don't understand a split coil thing... for distortion. Doesnt' make sense to me. :P Too thin and spanky... but parallel, ah... it works nice for me.

A point to note, if you are playing clean, coil splits and parallel will bring the volume down quite a bit.... needs compressor IMO. Unless you want it that way.
my current push-pull is jus to coil-split.. except when the pickup selector is at position 3 (middle), the push-pull pot will activate all the pickups..

okie den i can save some cash for installing the parallel switching cuz currently the coil split function works fine for me :wink:

Hey guys, i need to know where to go to change my Bridge pickup to a humbucker, like fury


and like how come the pickup in 1 picture is straight but slanted in the other?? Where would i go for this kinda modifications???


Plus, i also wanna change the Stupid rusty screws and the pickguard!! so annoying...

*sry i had to use your pics Fury!!~[/img]
if u noticed, DarknessFury changed his pickguard to re-align his humbucker so it becomes strai8 again.

if im not wrong, n the 1st pic - he cut out a humbucker shape space from the original single coil shape to accomodate his humbucker.

in the 2nd pic, its a whole new pickguard with H-S-S pickup spacing.
Changing to humbucker - you have to check if the cavity inside your guitar allows for a humbucker to be fit in. Otherwise you have to drill, then I will recommend you get singlecoil sized humbucker.

It's much easier to just get another pickguard for SSH since your guitar is a Fender strat (correct me if I'm wrong here)

You can get new screws from most electronics shop selling screws. Just bring your old screw to compare sizes and fit.

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